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  • Текст песни Косплей - Сало привези

    Исполнитель: Косплей
    Название песни: Сало привези
    Дата добавления: 31.03.2015 | 15:55:42
    Просмотров: 29
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    На этой странице находится текст песни Косплей - Сало привези, а также перевод песни и видео или клип.
    You cut me down a tree and brought it back to me
    And that's what made me see
    Where I was going wrong
    You put me on a shelf
    And kept me for yourself
    I can only blame myself
    You can only blame me
    And I could write a song
    A hundred miles long
    Well, that's where I belong
    And you belong to me
    And I could write it down
    Or spread it all around
    Get lost and then get found
    Or swallowed in the sea
    You put me on a line
    And hung me out to dry
    And darling that's when I
    Decided to go to see you
    You cut me down to size
    And opened up my eyes
    Made me realize
    What I could not see

    And I could write a book
    The one they'll say that shook
    The world, and then it took
    It took it back from me
    And I could write it down
    Or spread it all around
    Get lost and then get found
    And you'll come back to me
    Not swallowed in the sea

    And I could write a song
    A hundred miles long
    Well, that's where I belong
    And you belong with me
    The streets you're walking on
    A thousand houses long
    Well, that's where I belong
    And you belong with me
    Oh what good is it to live
    With nothing left to give
    Forget but not forgive
    Not loving all you see
    Oh the streets you're walking on
    A thousand houses long
    Well that's where I belong
    And you belong with me
    Not swallowed in the sea

    You belong with me
    Not swallowed in the sea
    Yeah, you belong with me
    Not swallowed in the sea


    Ты срубила дерево
    И принесла его мне,
    И это заставило меня увидеть,
    В чем я ошибался.
    Ты положила меня на полку
    И держала для себя.
    В этом я могу винить только себя,
    А ты можешь винить только меня.
    Я мог бы написать песню
    Длиной в сотни миль,
    Просто это мое призвание,
    А твое призвание - быть со мной.
    И я мог бы записать ее
    Или петь во всеуслышание,
    Потеряться, а потом найтись
    Или позволить морю поглотить себя....
    Ты поставила меня перед чертой
    И вывесила на просушку,
    И вот тогда, дорогая, я и решил
    Пойти и увидеться с тобой.
    Ты обрезала меня по размеру
    И открыла мои глаза,
    Ты заставила меня понять
    То, чего я не замечал.

    Я мог бы написать книгу,
    О которой сказали бы: "Она
    Потрясла мир", и тогда бы мир забрал ее,
    Забрал ее у меня.
    И я мог бы записать ее
    Или читать во всеуслышание,
    Потеряться, а потом найтись,
    И ты вернешься ко мне,
    Не поглощённая морем.

    Я мог бы написать песню
    Длиной в сотни миль,
    Просто это мое призвание,
    А твое призвание - быть со мной.
    Улицы, по которым ты гуляешь,
    Которые тянутся на сотни домов, -
    Вот где мое место,
    А твое место - рядом со мной.
    О, разве хорошо жить,
    Когда нечего отдавать,
    Забывая, но не прощая,
    Не любя все то, что видишь?
    Улицы, по которым ты гуляешь,
    Которые тянутся на сотни домов, -
    Вот где мое место,
    А твое место - рядом со мной,
    Не поглощённым морем.

    Твое место - рядом со мной,
    Не проглоченным морем.
    Да, твое место - рядом со мной,
    Не поглощённым морем.
    You cut me down a tree and brought it back to me
    And that's what made me see
    Where I was going wrong
    You put me on a shelf
    And kept me for yourself
    I can only blame myself
    You can only blame me
    And I could write a song
    A hundred miles long
    Well, that's where I belong
    And you belong to me
    And I could write it down
    Or spread it all around
    Get lost and then get found
    Or swallowed in the sea
    You put me on a line
    And hung me out to dry
    And darling that's when I
    Decided to go to see you
    You cut me down to size
    And opened up my eyes
    Made me realize
    What I could not see

    And I could write a book
    The one they'll say that shook
    The world, and then it took
    It took it back from me
    And I could write it down
    Or spread it all around
    Get lost and then get found
    And you'll come back to me
    Not swallowed in the sea

    And I could write a song
    A hundred miles long
    Well, that's where I belong
    And you belong with me
    The streets you're walking on
    A thousand houses long
    Well, that's where I belong
    And you belong with me
    Oh what good is it to live
    With nothing left to give
    Forget but not forgive
    Not loving all you see
    Oh the streets you're walking on
    A thousand houses long
    Well that's where I belong
    And you belong with me
    Not swallowed in the sea

    You belong with me
    Not swallowed in the sea
    Yeah, you belong with me
    Not swallowed in the sea


    You cut down a tree
    And brought it to me,
    And it made me see
    What I was wrong.
    You put me on the shelf
    And kept for himself.
    In this I can only blame themselves,
    And you can only blame me.
    I could write a song
    Length of hundreds of miles,
    Just is my calling,
    And your calling - to be with me.
    And I could write it
    Or sing loudly,
    Lost, and then to find
    Or allow yourself to absorb the sea ....
    You put me in front of feature
    And hung out to dry,
    And then, my dear, I decided
    Go and see you.
    You cut me to size
    And opened my eyes,
    You made me realize
    What I did not notice.

    I could write a book,
    Oh who would say: & quot; It
    Shocked the world & quot ;, and then the world would pick her up,
    Take it from me.
    And I could write it
    Or read aloud,
    Lost and then found,
    And you come back to me,
    Not absorbed by the sea.

    I could write a song
    Length of hundreds of miles,
    Just is my calling,
    And your calling - to be with me.
    The street on which you walk,
    Which stretch for hundreds of homes -
    That's where my place
    And your place - next to me.
    Oh, did not live well,
    When you have nothing to give,
    Forgetting, but no simpler,
    Not all loving what you see?
    The street on which you walk,
    Which stretch for hundreds of homes -
    That's where my place
    And your place - next to me,
    Not absorbed by sea.

    Your place - next to me,
    Not swallowed the sea.
    Yes, your place - next to me,
    Not absorbed by sea.


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