- В Ялте клево загорел
Come waste your millions here
Secretly she sings
Another corporate show
Guilty conscience grows
I'll feel guilty conscience grow
I'll feel guilty conscience grow
She burns like the sun
I can't look away
- Лажа
Crying Shame
Too late
Yeah baby it's too late
And time has made the spell obey
And now it's time to desecrate
But we had a dream
- Нах надо
Слишком много молодых, слишком много старых,
Слишком многие оставили тебя за бортом.
Ты хочешь изменить все,
Потому что ты боишься проиграть.
Она существует только на экране.
Он жив только внутри машины.
Мы хотим все изменить,
- Пиздеж
You could be my unintended
Choice to live my life extended
You could be the one Ill always love
You could be the one who listens to my deepest inquisitions
You could be the one Ill always love
Ill be there as soon as I can
But Im busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before
- Шо тут написано, не разберу
Take, take all you need
And I'll compensate your greed
With broken hearts
Sell, and I'll sell your memories
For fifteen pounds per year
But just the good days
Sane, it'll make you insane
- Этот поц что-то скрывает
Repress and restrain
Steal the pressure and the pain
Wash the blood off your hands
This time she won't understand
Change in the air
They'll hide everywhere
No one knows who's in control