боевая потеря вертолета Ми-24- Повнимательнее, там идёт высадка.
- Понял.
- Второй.
- (?) ...
- Я третий, по мне огонь открывают.
- Откуда(?), откуда(?), откуда(?)
- (?) ... справа от тебя, справа!
- Я высаживаю
ларнака москваLarnaca-Moskow(Depature)
AT1S: Larnaca information-Oscar, observation time one tree zero zero. Expect ILS, VOR, visual approach runway two two, transition level zero niner fife. Surface wind two four zero degrees tree zero knots, visibility more than 10 kilometers, cloud scattered at 3000 feet, scattered 3500 feet, temperature 10 dew point minus 4, QNH niner niner seven. Advise you have information Oscar.
P: Larnaca Ground, ABC 238, good afternoon, stand 27A, information Oscar, request АТС clearance.
C: ABC 238, cleared to destination UUEE via REXAL 1 D departure. After REXAL proceed direct ALSUS, then VESAR, flight planned route, maintain initially 3000 ft, squawk 5623.
Вы предполагали выход no схеме REXAL 1 В вместо REXAL 1 D. Уточните у диспетчера схему выхода.
Р: Larnaca Ground, АВС238, we expected via REXAL 1 В instead of REXAL 1D, Could you check, please!
милан-москваMilan (Malpensa)-Moscow (Departure)
This is Malpensa information Victor at one zero two zero. Runway in use tree fife Right, wind one six zero degrees fife knots variable between one zero zero and two zero zero degrees,ceiling and visibility OK, temperature one fife dew point zero one , QNH one zero two six hectopascals, QFE one zero zero zero hectopascals, no significant changes. Advise you have received information Victor.
P: Malpensa Delivery, ABC 286, stand 353, information V, destination Moscow Sheremetyevo, ready to copy АТС clearance.
С: ABC 286, RWY 35R to Moscow via SARONNO 7 G departure, OSKOR 5 Q transition, 5000 ft initially, squawk 0451.
P: Cleared to Moscow, RWY 35R via SARONNO 7 G departure, OSKOR 5 Q transition, 5000 ft initially, squawk 0451, ABC 286.
париж москваParis - Moscow (Departure)
ATIS: This is Charles-de-Gaulle information Delta recorded at one one zero zero UTC. Expected approach ILS, landing runways two seven right and two six left. Take-off runways two seven left and two six right. Expect departure 2 Alpha, 2 Bravo, 2 Zulu, transition level six zero. After vacating active runway hold short of inner runway. Wind two fife zero degrees one one knots, visibility 10 kilometers. Cloud few, towering cumulus, 3300 feet, scattered 4000 feet, temperature 11 dew point 3, QNH 1000. Inform on initial contact that you have received information Delta.
При выходе на связь с Delivery передайте в следующем порядке: ваш позывной, аэропорт назначения, номер стоянки, код АТИС, готовность к запуску через 10 минут.
Р: De-Gaulle Delivery, ABC 2455, destination Moscow Sheremetyevo, stand E40, information D, ready to start in 10 minutes.
C: ABC 2455, start up approved, slot time for departure 12.00, expect 26R, RANUX 2 В departure, squawk 0675.
P: Start up approved, slot for departure 12.00, expecting RWY 26R, RANUX 2 В departure, squawk 0675, ABC 2455.