- Ask Me How I Am
Hey your ride to your ride, hey your ride to your ride
Hey your ride to your ride, hey your ride to your ride
Has nobody asked you how you are
You look like you might not last the day
I wouldn't have made it very far
So we'd make a good team right away
I've not made amends for yesterday
- Chocolate
This could be the very minute
I'm aware I'm alive
All these places feel like home
With a name I'd never chosen
I can make my first steps
As a child of 25
- Spitting Games
I broke into your house last night
And left a note at your bedside
I'm far too shy to speak to you at school
You leave me numb and I'm not sure why
I find it easier to sit and stare
Than push my limbs out towards you right there
My heart is bursting in your perfect eyes
As blue as oceans and as pure as skies
- вызываю темноту
It's like we just can't help ourselves
Cause we don't know how to buy time
We were called out to the streets
We were called out into the towers
How the heaven's the open door
Black arms of dazzling gold
With our rain washed the streets
When we're doomed, no need to be told
- глаза какие-то
Shut your eyes and think of somewhere
Somewhere cold and caked in snow
By the fire we break the quiet
Learn to wear each other well
And when the worrying starts to hurt
And the world feels like graves of dirt
Just close your eyes until
- Одной ночи не достаточно
Left your door wide open, I couldn't help but walk in
It's the last place I should be but I'm dying to see you
Have I held out for something that is never gonna happen?
It's not me that you love, it's not me that you love
It's not me that you love, it's not me that you love
It's not me that you love, it's not me that you love
- Ты способен на большее
You can't find the fall, so you can call it off
But it might be for the best
You can walk away anyway
Because you've nowhere else to go
Don't kill love now, don't kill love
Don't kill love now, don't kill love
Keeping up all night and the night before
And you've lost count of drinks and time
- Удар молнии
What if this storm ends?
And I don't see you
As you are now
Ever again
The perfect halo
Of gold hair and lightning
Sets you off against