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  • Текст песни Баста - Ти та что всегда била рядом со мной

    Исполнитель: Баста
    Название песни: Ти та что всегда била рядом со мной
    Дата добавления: 01.06.2016 | 02:29:19
    Просмотров: 46
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    На этой странице находится текст песни Баста - Ти та что всегда била рядом со мной, а также перевод песни и видео или клип.

    Кто круче?

    А за окном холодные зимние ночи,
    Меня мучает тоска, мне одиноко очень,
    Тебя увидеть срочно мне необходимо -
    Моя любовь к тебе необъяснима.
    Я подарю зиме все воспоминания,
    Тайные признания, все мои желания,
    Я оставлю снегу всю свою печаль..
    Падает снег с неба - мне ничего не жаль
    И лишь февраль услышит эту песню,
    Холодную, как сталь, острую, как лезвие.
    Лишь он почувствует то, что чувствую я,
    Как в этот зимний вечер мне не хватает тебя.

    Внутри согрей меня - пылает пламя,
    Что стоит между нами, вместе нам быть мешая..
    Никто не узнает что же произошло..
    Холодная зима, грустное кино...

    Ты та, что всегда была рядом со мной,
    Но я расставался с тобой,
    Я хотел быть один, причина во мне,
    Я всегда хотел быть сам по себе...

    Ты та, что всегда была рядом со мной,
    Но я расставался с тобой,
    Я хотел быть один, причина во мне,
    Я всегда хотел быть сам по себе...

    Все проходит, родная, время лечит, родная,
    Небо плачет осенью - это любовь умирает,
    Только Бог знает, только он один,

    Отчего моя душа плачет, и сердце болит..

    Я часто вспоминаю, родная, те дни,
    Когда с тобой мы были одни - только я и ты.
    Я не прошу простить меня - прощенье ни к чему,
    Я ни о чем не жалею и жалеть не хочу..
    Ты мне снишься часто, красивая, как небо.
    Я не хочу просыпаться, прошу у неба время..
    Мне так надо много сказать, но я молчу,
    Я просыпаюсь в одиночестве - понять хочу.
    Почему все так? Что же произошло?
    Я не могу понять, ведь все было так хорошо..
    А ты ждала и верила, любила и ждала..
    Но все закончилось однажды - лопнула струна...

    Ты та, что всегда была рядом со мной,
    Но я расставался с тобой,
    Я хотел быть один, причина во мне,
    Я всегда хотел быть сам по себе...

    Я же всегда была рядом с тобой,
    Но ты расставался со мной,
    Ты хотел быть один, причина в тебе,
    Ты всегда хотел быть сам по себе...

    Ты та, что всегда была рядом со мной,
    Но я расставался с тобой,
    Я хотел быть один, причина во мне,
    Я всегда хотел быть сам по себе...
    Перевод песни Баста - Ты та..
    And outside the cold winter nights,
    I was tormented by anguish, I very lonely,
    You see me urgently necessary -
    My love for you is inexplicable.
    I'll give it winter all the memories,
    Secret recognition, all my desires,
    I will leave the snow all my sadness ..
    Snow falls from the sky - I regret nothing
    And only in February hear this song
    Cold as steel, sharp as a blade.
    Only he will feel what I feel I
    As this winter's night I miss you.

    Inside Warm me - burning flames
    What stands between us, together we can be disturbing ..
    No one knows what happened ..
    The cold winter, a sad movie ...

    You're the one that was always there with me
    But I parted with you,
    I wanted to be alone, cause in me,
    I always wanted to be alone ...

    You're the one that was always there with me
    But I parted with you,
    I wanted to be alone, cause in me,
    I always wanted to be alone ...

    Everything goes, my dear, time heals, my dear,
    The sky is crying in the autumn - this love dies
    Only God knows, he alone
    Why is my soul cries, and my heart hurts ..

    I often think, dear, those days,
    When you and I we were alone - just you and me.
    I do not ask forgiveness - forgiveness to anything
    I do not regret anything and I do not want to regret ..
    I dream of you often, as beautiful as the sky.
    I do not want to wake up, I pray to heaven now ..
    I have so much to say, but I am silent,
    I wake up alone - I want to understand.
    Why is this so? What happened?
    I can not understand, because everything was so good ..
    And you waited and believed, loved, and waited ..
    But it ended one day - a string snapped ...

    You're the one that was always by my side
    But I parted with you,
    I wanted to be alone, cause in me,
    I always wanted to be alone ...

    I've always been close to you,
    But you leave me,
    You wanted to be one of the reason is you
    You always wanted to be alone ...

    You're the one that alwayswas next to me,
    But I parted with you,
    I wanted to be alone, cause in me,
    I always wanted to be alone ...
    And outside the cold winter nights,
    I was tormented by longing, I very lonely,
    You see me urgently necessary -
    My love for you is inexplicable.
    I'll give winter all the memories,
    Secret confession, all my desire,
    I will leave all my sadness snow ..
    Snow is falling from the sky - I regret nothing
    It was only in February to hear this song,
    Cold as steel, sharp as a blade.
    Only he will feel what I feel,
    As in the winter night I miss you.

    Inside warm me - burning flame,
    What stands between us, together we can be disturbing ..
    No one will know what happened ..
    Cold winter, sad movies ...

    You're the one that has always been close to me,
    I parted with you,
    I wanted to be one reason for me,
    I always wanted to be alone ...

    You're the one that has always been close to me,
    I parted with you,
    I wanted to be one reason for me,
    I always wanted to be alone ...

    Everything passes, my dear, time heals, native,
    The sky is crying in autumn - this love dies,
    Only God knows, he alone,

    Why, my soul is crying, and my heart hurts ..

    I often think, my dear, those days,
    When you and I, we were alone - just you and me.
    I do not ask forgiveness - forgiveness for anything,
    I do not regret anything and I do not want to regret ..
    Do you dream of me often, as beautiful as the sky.
    I do not want to wake up, ask sky time ..
    So I have a lot to say, but I say nothing,
    I wake up alone - want to understand.
    Why all this? What happened?
    I can not understand, because everything was so good ..
    And you waited and believed, loved and waited ..
    But all ended one day - snapped the string ...

    You're the one that has always been close to me,
    I parted with you,
    I wanted to be one reason for me,
    I always wanted to be alone ...

    I was always close to you
    But you parted with me,
    You wanted to be the one reason you
    You always wanted to be alone ...

    You're the one that has always been close to me,
    I parted with you,
    I wanted to be one reason for me,
    I always wanted to be alone ...
    Translation Basta lyrics - You're the one ..
    And outside the cold winter nights,
    I was tormented by anguish, I very lonely,
    You see me urgently necessary -
    My love for you is inexplicable.
    I'll give it winter all the memories,
    Secret recognition, all my desires,
    I will leave the snow all my sadness ..
    Snow falls from the sky - I regret nothing
    And only in February hear this song
    Cold as steel, sharp as a blade.
    Only he will feel what I feel I
    As this winter's night I miss you.

    Inside Warm me - burning flames
    What stands between us, together we can be disturbing ..
    No one knows what happened ..
    The cold winter, a sad movie ...

    You're the one that was always there with me
    But I parted with you,
    I wanted to be alone, cause in me,
    I always wanted to be alone ...

    You're the one that was always there with me
    But I parted with you,
    I wanted to be alone, cause in me,
    I always wanted to be alone ...

    Everything goes, my dear, time heals, my dear,
    The sky is crying in the autumn - this love dies
    Only God knows, he alone
    Why is my soul cries, and my heart hurts ..

    I often think, dear, those days,
    When you and I we were alone - just you and me.
    I do not ask forgiveness - forgiveness to anything
    I do not regret anything and I do not want to regret ..
    I dream of you often, as beautiful as the sky.
    I do not want to wake up, I pray to heaven now ..
    I have so much to say, but I am silent,
    I wake up alone - I want to understand.
    Why is this so? What happened?
    I can not understand, because everything was so good ..
    And you waited and believed, loved, and waited ..
    But it ended one day - a string snapped ...

    You're the one that was always by my side
    But I parted with you,
    I wanted to be alone, cause in me,
    I always wanted to be alone ...

    I've always been close to you,
    But you leave me,
    You wanted to be one of the reason is you
    You always wanted to be alone ...

    You're the one that alwayswas next to me,
    But I parted with you,
    I wanted to be alone, cause in me,
    I always wanted to be alone ...


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