A Cold Logistic SlaughterBob's Bizarre Bazaar Of Murder
Every Part Of My Mind Set To Procreate Torture
A Trail Of Mayhem Is The Path I Walk
I'm A Birthmarked Psychopath With Pandora's Box
Berdella's Home Store Of Murder
Every Part Of My Mind Set To Procreate Torture
A Murmur In Decrepit WitsMurmur - whisper to me
Slithering fantasies of cleaning bones, lucid dreams
Yearning to become real
The luscious slitting of throats, what fantasy?
These fictions so corporal so obtuse
Restricting me, frustrating me
The fictions so morbid seem foretold
Avarice Of VilificationCallous aberrations pour into my mind
I perceive, I bleed
Yet all facets of existence are absent in me
A myriad of dissilience, void of contempt
Slithering through life like a lecherous mongrel, a parasite
I deface the norm
The shell from which you are born
Blood Fixing The BledRancour Fed...
Oligophrenic Lunacy Roams My Mind
Impaling Reason
Misanthropy To Matrimonial Extent
Her Blood Sweats Fever
Filth To Be Ripped From The Womb
My Urges Exposed
Coronary Reconstruction""As I dissect and reform A psychopath cankered by parasites debilitating The lingering corpus of a once dreaded mind fornever Resecting this artery infesting disease Cerebrum excavating So imperfect a gluttonous waste of life injected A sycophantic pathosis Removal of the cancer that destitutes life Once upon the slab it becomes discernible A conceited gob of waste churns the pica Into a shrouded monstrosity Torment perfected A coronary reconstruction momentous Abolish this cesspool of hypocrisy Obliterate the disease inside So arrogant a ignoramus waste of life injected A sycophantic morphosis Remove the cancer that destitutes life Murderous animus Coronary reconstruction achieved Through scalpel and blade this carcass has been redeemed Once from the slab it becomes animate A conceited gob of waste expelled Nothing but a bag of dreck Torment inflicted Haemoglobin injected The pustulent waste rejected Eppicene - incarnadine no remorse no regrets no odium... A coronary reconstruction momentous Abolish this cesspool of hypocrisy Defect the marasmus which infects the very soul...""
Dead WreckoningEnter The Archaic Abattoir...
Exiled To A Pernicious Wasteland
My Gray Matter A Thirst
Compelled To Restore My Deathcamp
Love For Surgery In Me
A Man Made Predator Revealed Amidst
Descent To ExtirpationExhume The Dead To Take Part In My Collection
A Gallery Of Gore
Reflecting Recollections
Dried Corpse-Mache
I Thrive On Decay
I'm A Malpractitioner
Invoked By Your Apathy
Exhuming The InfestedAgain I penetrate the graveyard soil
my necrotic needs are reborn
thrashing my way into the infested
I catch a glimpse of the dead
Choosing my fuckhole - an adrenaline brush
Forcing my pole into her cave, dyhadrated & harsh
Irritated by the decomposed urethra,
Expurgation EuphoriaAs time passes by you inhale your last breath
With every shot you march one step cleser to your death
Just a leprous mongrel digging his own grave
And paving his way through a pile of misery
Atrocity of man, symbol of decay
Intricate solution, sepsis sets in
With every shot and evey high your end seeps in
Fecal ForgeryPoetry in motion
A quiescent movement in my bowels
An unrelenting thirst for this fecal forgery
Inundated with revolting matter
This succulent banquest of drud and gore
The playful joy of fecal batter
As I am engulfed in excremental charm
From A Tepid WhiffThis Lingering odor
An abrasive scent to most yet a perfume I adore
Operating doors
Enfold a corpuscle that strolls in
to fulfill my needs
Obnoxious gangrenous obsession
A malodorous confession once I
Gestated Rabidity Malodorous Scent Of Decay
Reeking My Path To The Storageshed
Urges Deep Inside The Cortex
Raging Through The Cervix
Cranial Decay...
As I Grab The Saw...
HecatombAs sanity collapses
The final frontier crushed my nerves
A hypocrite piece of shit
Bullshit runs of your tongue like spit
Cowardly you hide
Victim role bribed
Ingenuity in GenocideRecline and behold, a sorbid display
Absorb and digest, the most nauseating of all
Novellas ever told
So Incompetent, yet urged to implement
Despite the lack of operative skills,
His lacunal medical content
A raging disgust to populace portent
Medical DevianceReflected on the iris, A tale each stiff reveals
Numbing - depresonalisation
Surgical doctrines transmute to malevolance
A morbid fascination, medical expertise befouled
To ensure intravenous butchery...
Single handed and scalpel guided,
Life chors are sliced
Meticulous InvaginationMy name is Ted, indifferent to laws I strangle and maim women
January 4, ramming the betrod into her her cattered vagina
Incapable, defined is the hatred that lead to this carnage
Infested by love, a stone cold killer,
hacking and gnashing without remorse
Pipe fed to her cave, blinded by rage
I lacerate her lie spreading throat
Nailed Through Her CuntRancour fed I grasp her head
Hurl her ass against the wall
Merry thoughts I disenthrall
Taking my nails to devour her entrails
With excremental lubricant I force them down in her cunt
Violently piercing her insides - Emotions I can no longer hide
Feel the steel engrain - Enjoy the skewering pain
Nemesis[Music: Bart, Lyrics: Sven]
Apathy raised upon childhood, Social skills erased
Automaticly blocking of any contact, Eomtions numbed
The anger grows within me...
I'm a walking human time bomb
Adrenaline thrusting in my blood flow,
morals collapse... Barriers fade as I take control...
Ophiolatry On A Hemocite PlatterWorship my name...
Known by many and as many or one
For I am a cancer crawling its way
Through an already cankered world
I am impetuous, I am the serpent
Through carrion and disease I spread my darkest needs
The symbolism of misanthropy
Ornaments Of Derision[Music: Bart, Lyrics: Sven/Joel]
Taking advantage of the mentally instable,
I shall deprive of life and vision
All goals are clear to me, building an empire based on lies
I unleash upon others.
Indoctrination-feeding incapables with ridicule proclamations,
Our Father, Who Art Of Fecesblessed be the ones who show no remorse
the lecherous mongrels that serve your cause
to worship and idolize a pile of decay
to rob infertile minds of any sense of reality
your fraudulent joke exposed
where is your savior
a deceit so picturesque and pertinently skewed
Parasitic Flesh ResectionA quick grasp of insanity, cranial tissue in decay
A force fed tool of apathy I am
Parasitic life form, infesting my whole being
Necrotic fungus resecting organs to create...
From the realm of the dead I"m fed
Cracking open the coffin lid
Sea Of CartilageMurder
I have been embraced by suffering,
No longer human, I stalk my prey
To kill and gut all surrounding me
Humanity in me slips away
Into the basement,
My own private morgue
The Extirpation AgendaThe urge to kill drives my every movement
A plethora of visions plague my gray matter
With the swing of the axe I bring salvation
Exemplary butchery
I stalk my prey
Death envisioned picturesque
I am defiled at heart, I am decay
The Gangrenous EpitaphEve's stem defiled
Life led astray
The paradise of the damned has been misled
Eve's stem defiled
Life led astray
Her Eden desecrated has been misled
The Holocaust IncarnateWhy not trample the vermin crawling beneath your feet ?
Why not drown the parasitic rats which you lead ?
They leech on your back, squander the air you breath
Minced intestines, nail-pierced genitals
amputated limbs, urine injection
A misantropic murder mind
more corpses to roast and grind
The InertiaWatch It Scream!
Eyelids Scrutinize In This Portrait Of Idolatry And Rot
Her Body So Fragile
Now In Post-Mortal Hands
I Am Retouching The Essence Of Feminine Refinement
All Soothing Scalpel Guidetd Me To My Vision
The Lament ConfigurationSee – the waste
His rancid stinking spunk, sparkling in the moonlight
Torn apart by hooks, cerebral lobes are emerging
From the cavities, convulsive regurgitations of
Decomposed entrails
The reek of putrefaction
Corporate perditions fall upon thee
Bludgeoned to death
The Necrotic ManifestoPain Has A Face
allow me to show it to you Gentleman
I Am Pain (Hellraiser 4: Bloodline)
Все-таки приятно констатировать факт – полоса неудач у группы закончилась, скорее всего, бесповоротно. От былых альбомов 2007 и 2008 года, из-за которых, собственно, группа и растеряла былой шарм и некое уважение, не осталось и следа. Имели место постоянные укоры в том, что группа ударилась в дэткор, что уже не торт, в общем, камни летели лавиной. Кончилось это только в 2010 году, когда их ЕР порадовал большую часть как фанатов, так и отвернувшихся от группы слушателей. С выходном "Global Flatline" стало ясно, что группа, можно сказать, восстала аки птица феникс. Другой состав, другое настроение. И ведь альбом вышел тогда просто шедевральный. Уже в следующем году Свен пообещал, что слушатели могут рассчитывать на его творческое продолжение. И, что самое интересное, он не обманул. Абортыши действительно выпустили второй "Global Flatline", но не просто его тупого клона. Начнём подробный разбор.
Первую половину альбома, за исключением парочки песен ("Necrotic Manifesto", "Your Entitlement Means Nothing"), можно с лёгкостью назвать пародией на самих себя. Попытка показать какую-то дэт-грайндовую скорость и угар, хоть и не откликнулась эхом в моей душе, но коллективу надо отдать должное - они старались, хоть и не были близки. Вся эта неловкость оканчивается на шестом треке и тогда группа наконец-то становится похожа сама на себя. Интересные ходы, хороший темп песен, не спеша, но в то же время энергично ревущий и вопящий Свен Де Калюве. Кстати, очень интересное замечание именно по поводу его вопля. На протяжении всего альбома не уходит ощущение, что вот-вот и вопль полностью вытеснит основной вокал. Вот на этой грани и протекает весь альбом. В этом плане весы перевешивают друг друга взаимно, и это до жути как приятно!
The Origin Of Diseasethis virulent strain, by man created
begotten by pestis and mentally devolved into procreation
we spread disease
pathogenic choul, a miscreation
bland farce perceived
foul pathogenic properties
man is the origin of disease
Threading On Vermillion DeceptionThreading On Vermillion Deception
Born Into Great Prosperity
A Bastard Child With Lustful Enmity
Cast A Shadow Upon Its Feet
Deluded Into Everything It Doesn't Need
The Aging Process Takes Its Toll
Pale White Skin It Shall Adore
Underneath Rorulent SoilBereft of nitrates and fustulent nutrition
Lacking nutrients, a terrible cohibition
Anhydrous and stale and profoundly lacking
The abortive corpus you refuse to stop dragging
"Let thirst the soil!" as you cling to your life
Necrovores thrash for a meal they contrive
Unadjourned organs are worth more rent asunder
Voracious Haemoglobinic SyndromeSyringe Infusing Voracious Parasitic Infestation
Which Meticulously Altered The State Of Mind
A Haemoglobinic Drug Taken To Infest And Deform...
Kill For Me
I Am Eloquently Deranged...
Found New Ways