Hail to Majesty Speak to us in a great movement of the sea
Give us power
Speak to us in a murmur
Give us your wisdom
High majesty who is mirrored in the depths
Deep majesty who rises to the heights
Lead us to immortality
As Free Act and DeedI wanted to decide
To look up and start out
Learn to hark
Learn to...
It's up to you what you will trust in...
It's up to you what you will prefer...
It's up to you what you will cull from...
Attitude Gyroscope Dissatisfied with the reality
Which surrounds us
We ask and search
Break through the lines of understanding
Naturalness is our freedom
It shapes our principle and creates our world
We feel ourselves like unique and individual
BalanceAlone in the captivity of my thoughts
I search what I may have not lost
Hidden knowledge blown by time
That would give me hope
Loneliness does not give only sadness
Sadness could become a key
The key to lost innocence
Circl Serpent made bed on Crystal Hill
Apparation of Finalty took centuries
When Sinner screamed
Luna had a Laugh and urged the horses
Why should she care about people
Such a beauty has not been seen for ages
Heart was written all over by blook till it went black
Dead on ArrivalShort and sudden discomfort
I must decide
Raging insufferable thirst
Durable and sour like fresh fruit
Neither water nor wine could vanquish it
...and then it comes...
Dreaming about...
DesertThe one who once have learnt how to read Words
Mustn't think of going back
The one who cast away all the memories
Must forget the return
The one who once have set for a journey
Mustn't think of going back
The one who once have seen the mystery
Mustn't think of return
EarthShe concealed you from herself
When wells opened their arms
And water flooded the world
Firmament trembled
And she was waiting
For the right time to come
You have inherited ties
Egoistic Empathy We faith in unlimited progress of mankind
Renaissanced mind on the treshold of modern period
Fruits of our deeds hit while adopting
Independent will demanding understanding
The closer to human values, the more doubtful progress seems to be...
Rise and decline progress and regression
LimitsWhere are the limits of selfishness
I hope that the man is not only a perverted matter
Is not only a beast
That grabs everything he wants
Instinctively, without thinking.
I hope that we are not loosing
The faith to each other
Obsessed with ourselves
Metamorphoses Here is a shrine at the end of the earth
It is a heart a hidden cave
It is an anger of metamorphosis
A Snake is born in an oval cave
Embryo of oaths thrust in blood
He started to grow
Moments of EvolutionBurning sap of the Planet
Breaking through the depth
From the Abyss - Earth is core
Never falls asleep
Rises on the surface
Melting and scorching
Jetting and effusive
MountainWhen I was looking at the laid sky
I was overcome by Inevitable feeling
That eternity and bird's feathers
Are two aspects
Of the unseizeable whirl
Passing sentence over everything
That won't square up
Nin EI have entered the Universe
Its silence goes to all directions
Endlessly far
I am alone at the zero point
My salvation from chaos of the other worlds
Worlds without stars, galaxies and beings
Space where there is nothing only"myself"
Only the Man Has the WorldI am asking...
I am asking about myself....
Aware of myself, aware of all the details
I experience and comprehend myself in my world
Self fulfillment accomplishes what express and develop the essence of my life
My world of experience and understanding
Opens the possibilities of thinking and introspection
PharmakopeiaI found a tree under the surface of the earth,
I can hear whisper of its crown everywhere
If I want.
There is a bit of it in every corner of the earth
I see it sometimes when I close my eyes
Not always not for a long time
World full of images disappearing in a moment
Postscriptum"We are going on the healer's way keep carrying a snake."
The Man has been trying to find something through his life
Even if he finds it...
He is not fully satisfied with what he has found
Beacuse it may not be what he had been looking for
So he keeps looking for it to find again
What he has long for...
Race for Life It is getting dark and the sun is going to sleep
When the hight steals in, the warmth leaves the Earth
You are standing on the edge and one step is enough
For your body to admitt your finality
Tens of reasons to do this are flashing on your mind
Tens of reasons and just one step
Stop and thinik...
Is this enough?
RiverI looked for river
Ancestors who gave birth to us
Man fish, woman bird
Sleeping on the river bed.
I put memories on water
And my lips touched the sky
Water took my name away
And join it with ashes
Rosa I thought that I was
On the beginning of a journey
I thought that I understood
The rose in bloom.
Because a Rose is a Rose.
And when I had the secret within the reach
Something inside me became quiet,
Rule of NyxBeautiful Night
Your attire covered the countryside and gave it shadows
Only a few sparkling tears stayed on the sky
You sing a silent song
With bat's scream as refrain
Beautiful Night
Silver streams run to the empire
Space OdysseyThe time is drawing nearer
Comet endures her eternal wandering
She gets over, glance like the falling Star
Unfold her lucent tail like a peahen under the Sun
Admired that she passes the Earth
Live and enjoy!
Meeting millions of stars
V.I.T.R.I.O.L.Build a temple from the white stone
Let it not have neither end nor the beginning
Take a sword to your hands
And in this way look for the entrance
There you will find the snake
And grasping it sacrifice it
And enter
WordsWe seduce angels
The angel is presumed to be seduced
We seduce ourselves
We forget about our...and their naturalism
They are fiery and wing footed
Visit us
They reveal secrets
Embody in plants and trees