Ancient VersesOnce there was myth and mystery
Now we destroy our ancient verse, our history
The eyes of my comrades watching, they haunt me
Dream a sinking ship in waters green
Death down to fate
My sacrifice, sorrow fathoms deep
The vision of a golden country, it haunts me
ArtemisIn your name, cruel sacrifice
Embrace my art
Love let me go
In your name, cruel goddess touch
Embrace this song, thy wind, thy womb
Virginal steps to be born
Embrace this flesh I need to know
AtmaDo I know you from this cold life?
Soulfulfilling love
Colors like no one
I feel I met you before this life
I will find you
I met you before I was flesh
DisdainThe sun grow cold in the western sky
And earlier and earlier
The sun submits to the moons rise
And after a summer of sorrow
I now embrace myself for a winter of despair
Every day deaths hand grips me so much tighter
And my mistakes are frozen in my mind
DownvainFlow my tears, fall from your springs,
Exiled for ever, let me mourn.
Flow my tears, fall from your springs,
Exiled for ever, let me mourn
Where night's black bird her sad infamy sings,
There let me live forever.
Hymn to the SunTo bright palace of gold sun
I fly on flaming steed
To steer my fathers god wings
O please, fulfill my dream
My queen is the bright-haired sun
Herald young horse master
Crescendo the dawn chorus
I Have Sailed With OdysseusReturning from Greece
I sat by an angel from east
He brought forth what's purest in me
Thank you for this day of grace
Walk on icy shores
Look east once more
Perhaps we were friends
In My Holy Time
(There were three)
(There were three)
(There were three)
(There were three)
As I walked on my own
Introit IIAeternam dona eis, Domine:
Et lux perpetua luceat eis,
Et lux perpetua luceat eis.
Te decet hymnus, Deus, in Sion,
Et tibi reddetur votum in Jerusalem:
Et lux perpetua luceat eis,
Et lux perpetua luceat eis.
I pursue, I pursue invain
Cruel Lysander
Thus to fly me, thus to fly me
Let this begin
She must not, she must not obtain him
Lysander IILysander II
The frightened earth looks pail and cries
It cries as war does consume the skies
My armies already join the battle above
The god of war fights the god of love
Since the MachineSince the Machine
Since recorded time and since the dawn of man,
There have been three types of men
The low man to the high man
The rending of the world into three great superstates was long foretold in the halls of men
A floating fortress guards the secrets of the ocean ways,
Fending the floodgates from the sword of truth
Since the machine!
StayStay, Time, awhile thy flying,
Stay, Time, awhile thy flying,
Stay, Time, awhile thy flying,
Stay and pity me dying.
For Fate and friends have left me,
And of comfort (has) bereft me.
Come, come, close my eyes;
The Camp of SoulsThe Camp Of Souls
[An adaption of the poem by Isabella Valancy Crawford]
My white canoe, like the silvery air
O'er the River of Death that darkly rolls
When the moons of the world are round and fair,
I paddle back from the 'Camp of Souls.'
The Loon Unchain me...
Upon the lake, upon the windless water
Swim down to me, beautiful bird
Mercy, stay not forever out of reach
I hear, I hear your evening song
Watered in blood in which I sink and drown
The Minstrel SongIn darkness let me dwell
The ground, the ground shall sorrow be
The roof of despair
which bars all cheerful light from me
To bar all cheerful light
The walls marble black
which moistened still shall weep from me
The Origin Of The MuseI sing of the muse
My oar strikes the sea
Christ can't save me
Christ ran from me
I'm facing the gods
Now let the myth begin
The Sons Of HeavenThose whom heaven helps
We call the sons of heaven
They do not learn this by learning
We, uncertain ones
I call the last of ancients
We only reason with reason
Tisza's Child InstrumentalDaughters, sons, river deaths: faces pale like moons;
And hands, bright stars.
Fair children cradle water graves.
Vast river, spirits, can you hear us pray?
Arise, hear my lullaby, how I wreck my broken love upon unlived lives.
Vast river, dark water, I drown in lament endlessly.
Spirit guide, river stag arise, eyes ablaze and hide steaming, pull treasures from turbid water.
Tisza's child clothed in liquid light arise, awake, mystify.
When I Have Fears That I May Cease To BeWhen I have fears that I may cease to be
Before my pen has glean'd my teeming brain,
Before high piled books, in charact'ry,
Hold like rich garners the full-ripen'd grain;
When I behold, upon the night's starr'd face,
Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance,
And think that I may never live to trace