Call the RainI call your name
Too thousand times
It's only pain
To see the lies
Look to my face
To pierce my eyes
Never see days
From Dusk Till DawnMy super lover!!! Come on
I'm so alone
But I still remember...
How it was beautiful to love
Why I couldn't relish it before...
I kiss you...
In the Army NowJeffrey joined the army
Was stationed in west germany
He drank so much alcohol
That he got a dishonorable
Jeff's in the army now
Jeff's in the army now
Skyline from SilenceSink to the ground
To the ground of solitude
There are disappear the lament
And pain of the past
Start on victorious pilgrimage
To the land of lonely
There's calling you
Sweet voice of crystal mountain
The Mirror of the NightLook at me now my friend
Pained doesn't trust to discover mythic land
The line of life on your hand
Brands by time and knows what is the end
Commune with shadows they're stone dead
They already know all to turn you to mad
Commune with deads they give away a secret
When Moon's Dying... Your Beauty FadesPass through a gate
Gate of your life
All the way
To limit of time
- to limit of time
Look! A new world
A new land hails you
An unrecognazing opens
Агония похмельяКак-то рано встал с утра
Заболела голова.
Заломала вдруг меня
Агония похмелия.
Вспомнил, что было вчера,
Затрещала голова.
Как я ночью в два часа
Ебаная жизньЗабирайте все, убирайтесь прочь.
Забирайте все, что не сможет мне помочь.
И надейся ты так же хорошо,
как любил ты, а тебя никто.
Все вокруг больных,встанет на места,
и однажды в их конченых мозгах.
Не пугайся так,
ты ведь просто человек.