Boom Shack-A-LackWine your body
Wriggle your belly
Dip and go down in a the new stylee
Wine and go up, Wine and go down
Bubble and a Rock ca the new style around
You fe line it up, You fe wine it up
Do the Boomshackalak till the dance hall full up
Boom Shack-A-LakWine your body
Wriggle your belly
Dip and go down in a the new stylee
Wine and go up, Wine and go down
Bubble and a Rock ca the new style around
You fe line it up, You fe wine it up
Do the Boomshackalak till the dance hall full up
Boom Shak-A-LakBoom-shack-a-lak a what the people them want
Women them a flex and the man them a chant
Ca the '60's style it have fe comeback
Draw fe your hell-bottom block heel and frock
Boom-shack-a-lak rude boy
Here when we tell them now sir
Wine your body, wriggle your belly, Dip and go down in a new style
Fe everyday that you get up and you do something right
You will get reward in a your life
And fe everyday that you get up and you do something wrong
It always come back until you learn your lesson
So clean up your heart like you should
I Pray[Chorus]
Say me a sit down pon a rock just a cool and relax
With the blue blue sky and the green green grass
Burn fe me herb please do not disturb
Ca me wan hear the sound of the two sweet bird
I wan find the way home
Where the sun shine and the animal roam
Om NaMa ShiVa RaYaОм Нама Шивая. Мантра Великому Шиве. Для Йогов, мистиков и тех кто хочет исполнить свои желания. (соединены 5 первоэлементов - На” - это земля, “Ма” - вода, “Ши” - огонь, “Ва” - воздух, а “Йа” - эфир)
Om Namah ShivayaJai Om Numah Shivaya
Jai Om Numah Shivaya
Well everybody would you focus your mind
Search for the truth and you will find
Good spirit and strength from within
Om Numah ShivayaJai om numah shivaya
Jai om numah shivaya
Well everybody would you focus your mind
Search for the truth and you will find
Good spirit and strength from within