Apes of the State все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
Conversations with the Self-CenteredPlease excuse my manners for I suffer from a problem
of believing that my thoughts won't go away unless I say them
So it might sound like I'm talking to myself when I'm deep in conversation
It's a problem that I'm working on, I thank you for your patience
But imagine for a second if I could listen to every word that you just said
Instead of getting caught up in my head trying to finish all your sentences
and occasionally letting the words slip form my lips that I want to say next
But if I wanted to hear what I wanted to hear I would talk to myself all day instead of you
I ListenedLast night when I walked into your house I noticed that the couch had moved
And I wanted to ask you about it
But you were talking so when you finished I opened up my mouth
And you called me out for being bad at listening
So I wrote this song to tell ya just how well that I can listen
And that I think that you are really cute
And I thought that maybe I should wait to tell you that I like you but
I don't really have that much to lose
Plate Glass ApologyExcuse me while I go jump through a plate glass window or stop driving in the middle of the road
My car insurance is expired, enough to set my ass on fire
I'll just go to bed and deal with it tomorrow
You broke my heart I hope you die, emptier than how I feel inside
and when you lay your head to rest at night I hope that you never fall asleep when you
think of all the things you do I wish I could just hate you oh I wish all of
these words I said were true
TimelineTwo years ago I was sitting on a tiny blue couch
In the basement apartment of a college town
The tears rolled out as I started to
Cause I was lost and I was scared I was graduating school and for the first time in my life I felt so unprepared
With no idea what direction I was heading to..