Chasing ShadowsS VII : Chasing Shadows
"The night is the source of sweet repose, from which light and darkness arose." (Orphic Hymn -300 BC)
We're talking to the shadows in the starry brightness of memories. Based on the recollection of a terrestrial journey, life is a subtle combination of fear and grace.
Mirror's broken, visions lost, unique season, state of nothingness, illusion, shadows reign.
Portrait drawn with some acid permanent ink, liquid emotions on the wall flow and flow...
Wavering circles support the shell of a weak structure, it's made of dreams and secret sins.
Death, Ruins And CorpsesS II : Death, Ruins and Corpses
Crossing the unkown path of the eternal night with hope and fever as a gift is an unsane idea. Deads are inerts, souls scattered elsewhere.
To believe that the idea of death deserves better than the reality of life is an archaic and deceptive concept. Death is not about liberation or elevation, death is the only permanent state of life.
Fall down on my knees, an angel in my arms.
Shadows of the wheel, cycle of the pain, I'm here.
Deads and goats shapeless built, dark clouds on my shoulders are so real.
Endless ProphecyS VI : Endless Prophecy
The first breath of life in a period of manifestation is the ideation or active formation of the ideal plan of the universe from its latent potential state in the absolute one reality. This manifested ideation working through and with manifested homogeneous substance is a unity and a duality since neither can manifest without the other. This opposition as a universal balance reflects the impossibility of an omnipresent entity.
Eternal kingdom, forget my name, I don't belong to you.
Eternal wisdom, stay beside me, I need serenity.
Funeral kingdom, still wait for me, I'll be your pawn.
Funeral wisdom, count down for me, soon I'll join.
Process Of Static MovementS I : Process Of Static Movement
Evolution is the gradual manifestation and development of the potentiality of every soul. As the potentiality of every soul is unlimited, there can be no beginning or ending to the process of evolution. In life, in death.
Nowhere to go, nowhere to settle, scared by something they can't name as well. Chasing shadows between life and death, embrace the ground, substance of space. Grave of spark, universal over-soul, consciousness requires material form. Process of ebb and flow provides impulse of life, what we know is real enough for us.
Through The Eye Of The BeholderS V : Through The Eye of The Beholder
World is a mirage, a projection of things and forms that are temporarely phenomenal and sustain the illusion of oneness and permanence.The vision of the world is nothing but a mere vibration of consciousness in the apparent existence of the universe.
A new mystery to resolve, a fog to see through,
tainted glasses hide everything and transform life in a nice fake truth.
No more words to say, silence replaces the will to be there,
conquest of the day is achieved, the next will be made.
Wolf Tears Are Falling StarsS III : Wolf's Tears are Falling Stars
Men see patterns in the stars since the ancient times, but to look at the sky often makes us forget to behold the ground.
Oh Hear me, shining mother star, give me some light in the starry night, shine...
Give me a sign and I'll fly far away from these ghosts of the weakness.
They run after me, hunt my dreams, eternal fiction or tragedy ?
The time is stopped, the silence in a drop...