Going To GeorgiaThe most remarkable thing about coming home to you
Is the feeling of being in motion again,
It's the most extraordinary thing in the world.
I have two big hands
And a heart pumping blood
And a 1967 Colt .45
With a busted safety catch.
Happy Birthday GeneralYou were a little baby, very long ago.
You're still king of like that baby,
but just a little old.
Mommy loves you, daddy loves you,
Atom loves you too.
This song was written by Andrew and a Jew.
Guess who?
Happy Birthday.
I'm Downright Amazed At What I Can Destroy With Just A HammerMe and Jan and Brian bought a pretty little hole.
It was cheapish and we split and we're fixing it up.
So Mr. Sokol does everything rewires, fixes cracks.
I can only break walls, moves stuff, and get snacks.
And I am downright amazed at what I can destroy with just a hammer.
And I am downright amazed at what I can destroy with just a hammer.
Pumping Iron for Enyai joined a gym,
although its not punk at all,
but i gotta look good and lower my cholesterol.
there's one girl i want to notice me.
i'll have a slightly better chance if my body is buff you see.
i'm being obsessive, B-E obsessive.
her name is enya, for her, im running this mile,
and it will upset my parents that i am stalking a gentile.
Punk Rock AcademyI was fighting the mold in my bowl with my pee,
when a thought popped into my brain.
If all of us hated high school so much,
why was nothing ever changed?
So i called brian up, with my plan that's red hot.
It was a private institution in the name of punk-rock.
We got some government funding,
and our own private road,
Thresholds To Adult livingi remember where i was just a year ago today.
a different classroom, but it seemed the exact same way.
i walked in and out and down to the shore.
now that i think about it for a while, it was a year ago the day before.
i'll sit back bundled up,
i'll sit back here and wait.
i remember the past as wonderful, but the pictures aren't that great.
Upside Down From HereFrom Antartica to the polar caps
try to fit a big orb on a little flat map
I'm not going to drive this time
I love Greenland when it's Africa's size
North is not up
and East is not right
except for MIlwaukee Wisconsin that night
I know what it feels like to be upside down from here.
Where Eagles DareWe walk the streets and night
we go where eagles dare
they pick up every movement
we pick up every loser
they did it as a creature
you think that we really care, lemme tell ya something
I ain't no god damn son of a bitch