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All Time LowPraying won't do it
Hating won't do it
Drinking won't do it
Fighting won't knock you out
Of my head
Hiding won't hide it
Smiling won't hide it
Like I ain't tried it
For the First TimeShe's all laid up in bed with a broken heart
While I'm drinkin' Jack all alone in my local bar
And we don't know how
How we got into this mad situation
Only doing things out of frustration
Tryna make it work, but man, these times are hard
She needs me now, but I can't seem to find the time
I got a new job now on the unemployment line
GrenadeDaar word gewoonlik slegs twee benodig
Daar word gewoonlik slegs twee benodig
Daar's 'n pols wat kan ontplof
Wanneer laas halsoorkop
'n Hartaanval vol domkrag, 'n kop wat stop
'n Kop wat stop
Kom ons raak wilder as die wildtuin
'n Stokou klipharde geraas
Please Don't Let Me GoWhere do I begin?
Should I tell you
How bad I need you now, yeah
You're underneath my skin
But I'm confused
My head is spinning all around
I waited so long
I need to know, darling