Agua del AmorEl amor es el agua infinita
Divinidad fluyendo pura vida
El río libre es mi sangre
Mi sangre roja es el camino
Por mi vida voy agradeciendo
Me das la fuerza para seguir caminando
Cuatro DireccionesHay una voz dentro mi corazón
La voz que canta la canción
Del Dios que sabe mi camino
Sigo adelante siempre sigo
El viento que me lleva por el cielo
La flecha de mi alma va volando
Mi fe es la fuerza que me da vuelo
A las cuatro direcciones los llamo
Deep Calls to DeepHold to the light that is born of the dark
Go now my child set this free
Tattered are my wings but now I fly stronger
I will allow this healing
The howl of the wolves urges me onwards
Feathers that open the clouds
In the waters of this river I will be carried
In the shaking of my heart I'll stand proud, I stand proud
GuesthouseI invite you in traveller from afar
You come bearing stories, a lantern in the dark
I greet you here, I welcome what you bring
Though it may be hard to listen to I know you'll bring a change in me
Whoever you are you're welcome
Come sit here by my firetable
Plumajera12. Plumajera
Venimos a aprender yanahey
Venimos para ver yanahey
La obscuridad yanahey
El misterio de la verdad yanahey
Pinta, canta, cura medicina
RoseSoftening, softening, softening all the hardness
Melting, melting, melting all that's frozen
Letting go, letting go of the sorrow
Dissolving into love all the shadow
We are woman, we are bringers of life
We are vessels of love, expressions of the divine
Silent VoicesFrom the Earth there are voices
They say listen closely to the wind
The elders live within me
I carry a river of ancient blood in my veins
Prayers are carried on the smoke
I follow the course of this river´s flow
I remember the call and I call to remember
May the old ways always live on in me
Wisdom of the InvisibleI come to speak with you to listen to the silence of your voice
I come to learn the truth, I come to see I always have a choice
I turn inward, to find the stillness in myself
I am part of the beauty all around me
A breathing miracle, I am a prayer of life itself
I am made of sea and stars and dust and wind x 2