... And Their ConsequenceWe are not born with hate!
It’s learned and observed as we grind out our days.
Handed down from those held close,
the ones we are supposed to trust the most.
Sins of the father, continued legacy or learned lesson?
No, this must go no further.
Scripts handed down to those held close.
BlacktopI drove myself out into the wilderness
Not a forced exile, I'm just searching for bliss
Blood orange crescent moon
Illuminate the blacktop's running lines
Carry my spirit far from the chaos and light
Of the city built upon brute and might
The soul deserves savor
The apple, heavy and over-ripe, on my simple pallet
CosmonautNo amount of preparation leads me
To be ready to depart believe me,
I hold on to all of that which freely
Floats about under my feet beneath me.
Elevation ever rising I’m shown
Upwards into everything that’s unknown
What’s the meaning or the purpose? I’ll go,
Dear G-dAs I pen these things
It might literally be all I have
Ink on paper
Does any of this matter?
Then I’m reminded of what I’ve seen
The places I love and the people I’ve been
Only Love could have brought me to this place
Holding in me a joyful heart while spit covers my face
dissolveThe wind carries us home
Tin cans, recycled air, end the minstrels’ roam
Reunite body and mind
The walls left broken and crumbling
Oh but what did you expect, gone for seasons at a time
I’ve closed my eyes to dream
Woken only to have lost the spring
To bags, cases, and hearts on our sleeves
And we're gone again
Driven by passion, outward
Away from family and friends
But what they can't see
Is that every day I'm drowning in a sea
Of faces that I miss so desperately
With each flashing countenance
Forgetting Is Forgiving the IWhere our thoughts are, there we'll live
Whether it be misery or joy
Both of which life freely gives
(both of which life freely gives)
Languish in the mire of the past or steel our resolve
And leave the darkness at our back
Stand firm in the face of our sins
Grace, Teach Us What We LackHere I stand
High strung and alone
In the court of your Lord's most forgotten son
Tell me witness, what's the difference between addiction to truth and conviction?
The difference must lie in the actions
Spread across a person's life
Did it prove to be obsession?
Humble Servant, Am IOh God, I can’t believe
All the places that I’ve been and all of those I’ve come to meet
Blessings of faith, when I have only a mustard seed
For every hardship in my life
I’ll hold Your name and I’ll do just fine
All praise are Yours and none are mine
Instruments played by hands that cannot read or recollect one solitary note or line
Yet play in perfect harmony
If They're Not Counted, Count Me OutThere is such hope in the stories we’ve been told
Recounted endless times by the aging and old
Tales of peace, worship and holy places
Palaces adorned with gold and lofty terraces
But I’m always left with quiet dismay
Cause I’m told that some of those I love won’t be with
So I’m left behind in an eternal place
It's Really Not As Complicated As You're Making It Out To Be“I do dimly perceive that while everything around me is ever-changing, ever-dying there is, underlying all that change, a living power that is changeless, that holds all together, that creates, dissolves, and recreates. That informing power or spirit is God, and since nothing else that I see merely through the senses can or will persist, He alone is. And is this power benevolent or malevolent? I see it as purely benevolent. For I can see, that in the midst of death, Life persists, in the midst of untruth, Truth persists, in the midst of darkness, Light persists. Hence I gather, that God is Life, Truth, Light, He is Love. He is the supreme good. But He is no god who merely satisfies the intellect, if He ever does. God to be God must rule the heart and transform it. He must express Himself in every smallest act of His votary. It is proved not by extraneous evidence, but in the transformed conduct and character of those who have felt the real presence of God within. To reject this evidence is to deny oneself. This realization is preceded by an immovable faith. He who would, in his own person, test the fact of God’s presence can do so by a living faith, and since faith itself cannot be proved by extraneous evidence, the safest course is to believe in… the law of Truth and Love. Exercise of faith will be the safest where there is a clear determination summarily to reject all that is contrary to Truth and Love. I confess that I have no argument to convince through reason, faith transcends reason. All that I can advise is not to attempt the impossible.” –Mahatma Gandhi
L'Ехquisitе DоulеurWell I can't get too close without wanting all of you
So I'll settle right into this back seat
But to be honest, I'm not sure if I can take the solitude
It's been a long time running
Since I sighted my first love
And this mountainside's only getting steeper
My breath's burning in my lungs
I wonder when I'm gonna catch a break
MothersA nine-year drought
Brought torrents in May
You had chosen what to call me
But were given a new name
Always the strong one
You carried on faith
Broken mother, broken father
NaturesI have to break this cycle
For another heart, I refuse to be held liable
Seeing their eyes fill with tears
A burning in my chest, lumps form in my throat
I feel every bit of the hurt I've caused, as I realize my worst fears
I've wounded another human being
These hands were made to heal
But they've only added to the misery
Nothing, Save the Power They're GivenThese words might mean nothing
But it’s a chance I’m willing to take
Cause maybe I’m wrong and lives can change
I’m singing out of my insecurity
So someone, somewhere might be impacted by what I’ve made
I fidget and sway back and forth
Biting my nails down until they bleed
There is a lie that I’ve believed
Salute e VitaRaise your glass high
And share with me in my joys and grievings
I toast to the mountains and valleys
To the future and the days gone by
I invite you in with good humor and levity
All I have is yours and I pray that you drink deeply
My cup has been emptied
So I may see what it tastes like to be free
St. Peter"St. Peter"
It's 2 am, as we pull into the humble hotel.
German countryside; everyone is shut up tight.
Warmth and light welcome, as all file inside.
I entered, belated, to see our troop elated, faces filled up with joy.
Blessed communication. The source stood behind the counter,
a man, salt & pepper, his face beamed like a boy's.
The Hardest Part Is Forgetting Those You Swore You Would Never ForgetThere sit two lovers
One's eyes intently chasing the other's
She doesn't love him anymore
But he'll stick it out till the end
This he had sworn
Lying awake in bed
Feeling the spot on my chest
The People Who Share My NameListen Up
These are the things I've been dying to say to you
I won't engage in conversation littered with self-righteous rage
Because before the words were out of my mouth
You already judge what I have to say
If you ripped me open
Instead of judging my surface
Through pretense and hidden purpose
The Sea Always Seems to Put Me At EaseYou are the topic of every epic we have ever been told
And as I stand on this cliff, the wind whips through me
and I am made bold
Once again, Your presence creeps into my consciousness
Grace made tangible in this newly anointed place
And I am brought to my clear senses
That none of my perceived failings or disgrace
Has ever touched my being or inheritance
The World As a StageThe nights ablaze with blue and red, blurs gliding silent.
As the first arrived on the scene, illuminating so vividly
The darkness of man, obscene.
The blood on his shirt staining darker
than that of the flashing red,
waving above his head a crimson branded beam;
an abused lover in the grass on her knees.
The Zealot's BlindfoldYour tradition was an illusion, a monstrous pillar of ash
towering high, blacking out the sky; illusion of substance.
As we pull that tower down, we saw Heaven kiss the ground.
Oh G-d, the Life that shot through our bones.
We cried out for water driven from stone.
To finally meet the Shining One, that we might praise, as They shown.
A connection we could own, someone to stand firm as stone.
This Loneliness Won't Be The Death Of MeI swear this isn’t the end
But I still feel so alone
Even when I’m surrounded by my best friends
Word’s can’t penetrate
A tree in the wind
I bend
Falling faster into the depths
I’m falling, I’m falling
This Room Is AliveThis room’s alive
In this moment, each one of us is leaving
All of life’s worries and troubles far behind
Speaking in tongues
Sweating blood
Some people search their entire lives for such a cure
Thorns[Verse 1]
If cunning was our birthright
Then falsity became our sport
Beings like trellises of roses
And vines whose beauty so splendidly hid
The vicious biting of recompense
Ours alone to bare and grit
Self-designed deceptions
We Drag The Dead On Leashes' Fan MadeWe've all done things that we're ashamed of
We think they make us unworthy of love
We carry regret in our demeanors
Wear it all over our faces
In our smallest actions; our greatest fears
Daring all who would come near to break the tension
To incidentally mention the demons you've been battling
Regret and shame leaking through every expression
We Will Never Be the SameLet the Kingdom fall on this place
Those who have never felt Your love
Feel Your warm embrace
We will proclaim Your continuing creation
Made evident by our many reconciliations
The blind will see
The deaf will hear
Loving with every ounce of our being
Меdiоcre ShаkеsреаrеHow did I let this happen?
Let myself slip back into the role of victim
Thought I'd left that all "way-back-when."
While forgetting Grace, I increased my own tragedy.
Fallen back into the "how-could-this-have-happened-to-me's."
Like some melancholy play
That no one paid to see,
Тhе Роеts Сry Fоr МоrеWe are all homeless in one way or another
Whether we've lost ourselves to lust
Inflamed passions for things desired; forgotten the other
Wandering aimlessly, in love with something
that will only collect dust
Or perhaps we've been led into the wilderness
by some radiant lover, just to be left out in the cold