- Aversion Fanatique
Des cris effroyables et des sanglots
L'histoire est née.
Témoin aveugle du reflet de la nature humaine
Des bourreaux barbouilleurs de lois
Des vers cadavéreux au spirituel asservis,
Nul ne restera pour attendrir l'horreur.
Du sang à la cendre...
- Banished
Underneath contexes silence
Of the puppets of this world hides perverse nature of the mind
Underneath bleeding skies, promise of hating fellow being will be
Dogma of life.
Pray the bloody almighty behind the lie.
Here are the ones condamned to eternal night
Here are those who lost the right to be human
- Bestial Breeding
Hurt my eyes, dear sweet daylight
In this sticky and damp cave
Where my body lies
Unmoving with my ravaged face deep in the mud
Feeling the lashes of whip
Love conditioned in violence
Bestial breeding
- Blindfolded Centuries
The awakening is brutal and the strange places around me
And both quiet and distressing
The urge to womit is back
In my inside world I think I've crossed the line
Swear and tears run on my skin
I feel the same pain again.
The ashes of my past life still burn
- Deviant
Something inside of me is watching me and waiting
And the thing which scares me the most is when I cannot fight anymore
I'm hearing speaking the voice of my father, disturbed by fits of abstraction,
Silences of mind.
I always do what voices in my head tell me to do
"You are no one, a child of naught, you'll burn in fire. You have to hide,
Shame of life, mistake of nature, swathe your face, your monstrous features,
You are condemned!"
- Experience Your Flesh
Without touching me I feel
Your delicate hands slide wet and greedy
The sweatiness of my skin betrays
The fear of the unknown close to rise
The smile appearing in the corner of your lips
Increases the shiver of my legs
Your shining glance behind your glasses pierces me
- Feasting On The Disinterred Corpse
Between the tombstones, my body lies, dead
Among my remains swarm the maggots
Greedily masticate
Members dislocate
Man feasting on the disinterred corpse
Muscles cutted in slices trickle
Pus and blood are running from my mouth
- From Desire To Disgust
Greed becomes wrath, annoyed, hatefull
Out of control, no sky above
Lust as te life turns to the deepest disgust
I hear this voice in my head
Ruling all my thoughts now until the lie.
From desire to disgust
- Grind Wit
Etranges visions perdues dans mon sommeil
L'homme est assis, violemment immobile.
Il trempe sa lame dans la médiocrité,
Et dans le sang la pointe immaculée
Ivre mort, suspendu aux lèvres du mépris
Il compose et un long sillon coule.
Il écorche l'esquisse jusqu'à en fléchir la trame
- Hostile
Le frisson d' un traitre vent murmure son nom
Ses infames litanies que je connais trop
Maais je sais qu il me trompe
Je discerne la marche indigne de l' homme furtif
L'ombre qui distrait et fait craquer les lames
De mon humble et mesprisable chambre sombre
Ou j'expire a la lueur de l' antique flamme
De mes derniers rales d' agonie
- Icon
Sonder vainement le mirroir de son ame
Sans jamais trouver de r?ponses, juste des craintes informes
Un regard fixe, des mots prononc?s sans que les l?vres bougent
Ce qu'il y voit le d?truit un peu plus chaque jour
L'esterieur est agressif, sa nudit? si simple et apaisante,
Et il se scrute
- Identisick
Tous ces tourments et l'omniprésence de ce vide
Ne sont que le reflet blafard de cette peur que tu traînes
Laisse-moi apprivoiser cette conscience mensongère
Et fouiller les caveaux humides où ton identité se terre.
Je vois tes yeux mais je n'entends rien
Débarrasse-toi de tous tes artifices
Laisse-moi pénétrer les immondices
- Insane Cephalic Production
Une vaste et croissante obscurité embrase les vestiges de mon âme
Les ténèbresà présent règnent dans cet abime ouvert.
L'éphémère cocon du monde qui m'entoure, brisé,
Une structure instable dont les limites sont inconnues.
L'archétype de la pazthologie mentale, sublimé à l'extrême,
engendré et perverti par les siens.
Insane cephalic production.
Attrait ou mépris, entre deux notions, imperceptible dimension,
- Last Part Of Humanity
My conscience lies, scruples betray
Erase trust, love and kindness.
Emotions lead to suffering, forget all compassion.
There's no mercy for the weakness
Deny all your existence
Black eyes empty of any expression gleam in frenzied brightness
Intent glance of the dead creature shines in the dark, liteless...
- Let The Blood Spill Between My Broken Teeth
Гуттурал (от англ. guttural — «гортанный», «горловой») — вокальный приём в брутальном дэт-метале, дэткоре и грайндкоре, воспроизводящийся вибрационным напряжением связок на вдохе. Также встречаются названия «кишечный вокал», «булькающий гроул», «грантинг» (от англ. grunting — «хрюканье»). Данный приём может исполняться как на вдохе, так и на выдохе (настоящий эксхейловый гуттурал (на выдохе) считается достаточно редкой и сложной вокальной техникой). Его часто путают с гроулингом, но гуттурал отличается иной техникой получения звука, крайне низкой тональностью, характерным утробным «бульканьем». Практически всегда исполнитель поёт гуттуралом без текста, но есть вокалисты, поющие и тексты: Жюльен Трушан из французской группы Benighted, Фабио Марин из Internal Suffering, Майк Майевски из культовой американской команды Devourment.
- Lethal Merycism
This weird and recurrent dream my subconscious forces me to
Where I stand and behold a sinister painting I made
Holding my mother's hand the disfigured face stares at me, so little... lethal
Hidden darkness in nooks and corners
Shrouded in smokes which daze his portrait so pale
I wait for the dreadful second
The fall of the uncrosses barriers
- Nocturne
Dans l'obscurité nocturne
Et la brume épaisse du lieu où la mort se cultive
Les âmes rôdent, impérissables.
En ce lieu où je demeure, dégagé d'enveloppe charnelle
Pour un repos éternel,
Je suis mon corps et ce qui l'entoure.
Les yeux ont disparu des orbites de mon crâne
- Self Proclaimed God
Hear my cries, white is everywhere
There's no way to escape from this strange nightmare
In front of me attached on a bed
Lies the corpse of a child
With a face so pale
He turns his head and his glance meets mine
His voice resounds in me
Hurts and pierces my mind
- Sex-addicted
There's this strange feeling invading me in all my being
It prevents me from all kind of thoughts
Without humanity
Inaccessible things torture me, gnaw my entrails
I am slave to this unknown entity
A burning demon watching me in each place I can go
An external part makes my life unbearable
- Shadows Descend
Behold the ridiculous marionette
Lost in the meanders of his pathetic existence
Trapped in medical chains against the decrepit wall of his mental health
Mummified by the leather of the belts embracing him
He tries to breathe the air of a time he cannot understand anymore
Nibbles himself with each inhalation
His life's solstice in stabbing mastication
Shadows descend
- Slut
Suddenly a yawning gulf appears under my feet
Now I can see the real face of the traitor
Paralysed by the unconceivable I'm still petrified
I see the fear in your eyes as you realize
The vile depht of your treachery
You deserve my wrath, deserve to suffer
Deserve to feel what I felt
- The Cold Remains
The candle is dead, the cold remains
Keep as a memory what you did to me
Die for this! The wind makes the flame twist
Smile as you see my defeat
The scars are closed, the cold remains
The cold remains on my cold remains
Look me deep in the eyes
Around me falls the sweet and cruel darkness embrace
- Unborn Infected Children
The infection goes on
Unable to focus
Between all these deafening screams, cries and tinnitus
Their tears like falling from the ceiling
Run on me and disappear into the mud
Babies cry the always do
Babies cry they always do
And their whispering my name
- Unleash Hell
Dying, crossing the Styx to the other side
Entering abysmal world
Feeling extreme coldness from winds of hate
To endly regret past mortal pain
Listening to the howlings
Sleeping without dreaming
Pictures of murderous scenes where blood and tears mix together