All I NeedWhen the day is done
And there's no one else around
While I'm lying here in bed
You're in my heart, You're in my head
You're all I need, You're all I need
There are a million voices
Calling out my name
But You're the One I want to hear
Are you sureI've written you a lot of songs
The kind you write on rainy days
Unrequited love
But now I'm humming a different tune
Just twelve hours ago
I was sitting on a bench with you
I've never heard of something that sweet
BeautifulI was so unique
Now I feel skin deep
I count on the make-up to cover it all
Crying myself to sleep cause I cannot keep their attention
I thought I could be strong
But it's killing me
Does someone hear my cry?
Come find meWhy would I ever worship wood or stone?
Things that cannot hear or speak at all
Why would I want something that I can control?
When I can't even trust myself to fall
I was following a cloud of fire and smoke
But my heart was too weak to understand
So I built an image with my fear and with my gold
DreamerLove woke me up this morning with a memory
Love came and whispered a story that awakened a dream
Imagine a beautiful castle and a beautiful king
He left the comfort of his throne to fight for victory
I am a dreamer
Take me higher
Open the sky up
For My LoveWalk towards me
I want to hear
The heavens singing over you
When you breathe
And look at me
I want to be captured by you
Gaze into my eyes
HeroYou broke the silence
A break in the clouds
A ray of hope in the darkness
You dusted off the steeples
Places full of fear
Full of never-ending judgement
And what is love without much risk?
I Believe In YouWhen there's nothing to believe in, I belive in you
Forget the past and let my hand in yours be the proof
Though the strong could be my company, you're the one I choose
So remember, I believe in you
I know it feels like every eye is watching you
Waiting for you to fall, expecting you to lose
But I see victory, so all you have to do
Joy Has DawnedJoy has dawned upon the world,
Promised from creation—
God's salvation now unfurled,
Hope for ev'ry nation.
Not with fanfares from above,
Not with scenes of glory,
But a humble gift of love—
Jesus born of Mary.
let your light shineThe Calmer of the sea
Here in this room with me
So gently welcoming
The weakest things in me
You are the blood over
The door of my heart
What pain You spared me from
How could I know it all?
NewWhat is this sun that conquers mountains
Singing over what has been asleep?
What is it that softens all my doubting?
It's you
Morning brings a hunger for new eyes
That have been covered by the hurt of yesterday
Who could create in me the vision of a little child?
When You Love SomeoneThis morning it was a fight to get up
Those words still ringing in my head
Never felt like such a fool in front of anyone
I guess that's what you do when you love someone
You Could Be The OneCould I talk to you sometime this afternoon?
About some things I know I'm reading into
Because you and me come at this differently
And I'm just trying to be honest with you
Now that I've found you in the most unexpected places
You were right in front of my face