DemonicaО, Демоника! Повелительница непристойных снов
Нимфокоролева бесконечных мастурбаций
Клиторальных стимуляций, сладких слов
Твое тело вновь обтянуто в изящный черный латекс –
Изощренный и волнующий наряд
Ну а я спешу как прежде, подчиняясь зову плоти
По петляющей тропинке света в извращенный сад
For my fallen angelTwilight
I invite you to take a walk
It's time to thaw the ice in your heart
Take my hand and don't look back
Only vague doubts are waiting for you behind
Walk with me to the labyrinth of dark souls
Believe me, my world is absolute
Lesbian MoonClouds are parting giving the way to a full moon
Its light – is a seeker for chosen souls
Streaming like sweet wine from the bowl of skies
Giving life to eternal Temptresses – Whores of shades
Winged women – children of darkness, moon and sex
You see their faces under the mask of night
They are beautiful
Seduction and Defloration of EleanorYou are going through a long corridor
Passing many closed chambers
Leaving behind the laugh and joy of the hall
Which are drowning in the silence of night
Soon you find yourselves in a splendid bedroom
With a couch covered with a canopy
Bathing in beams of moonlight
Showing the CardsShowing the Cards
I was given a cordial welcome and they told me what to do
Cyberia and Persephone were not slow to show their cards
I discovered soon that I went through the gates to another world
Too forbidden to be Paradise
Too nice to be called Hell
Sweaty Thighs of Dominant SlutsSweaty Thighs of Dominant Sluts
Soon the Goddess left her unfinished dinner
And walked by me
Stopping just for an instant
To touch my trembling shoulder
I guessed her gesture
And followed her at once
The PortraitWhen night is clothing skies into black velvet
It could be heard her singing
Her voice calling to show yourself
Vamping into the depth of her multy-faced being
I'm flying in this muse, feeling her with whole my body
Above the beaten way behind the light
Sometimes ill-natured eyes of the Demonic Moon
За великой стеной льда...Скалы с сотнями сумрачных нор
Льются из них воды зловонных потоков
Земли – ветрам холодным простор
Спеклись стеклом в результате кошмарного рока
Голый вид керамических труб
С синим мерцанием в них подземных огней
Греются рядом несколько групп
Тварей уродливых – дети бесплодных полей