Abra CadaverI´m a necrophilac
A corpse-grinding megalomaniac
I´m nasty and i´m mean
For all those moralizers much too obscene
They say i´m a perverted bastard
A misanthropic scumbag
I´m a deranged freak
Oh such a freak – fantastic
Cannibal HolocaustWelcome to the end of nutritional chain
a hole in your stomach and a belly full of pain
the hunger burns you have to eat
you need some food you want some meat
Forget abour your moral doubts
if you wanna live there's no way out
what is wrong or what is right
Horrormovie FanZombies, ghosts, vampires, demons, monsters, psychopaths
Possessed my life since my torture turned for sweet innocence into dark
A nightmare made of celluloid pleasure creeps up my neck
I love this feeling and anticipation when pure evil will attack.
Oh Yeah that´s what i´m
I´m a dedicated Horrormovie Fan
My life is like a scene full of faked blood and screamings
I Wanna Hear You ScreamI wanna stalk you walking down the road
I know is out me, you can go
I wanna watch you while you sleep
and haunting you in your dreams
Cause it's you and only you I can't get out of my head
I creepy crawling like a slime out of your bed
In The Morgue Of Lucy SandersIn the morque of Lucy Sanders
It aint so new to me
Its haunted atmosphere has heared so many of my screams
I will always remember beautiful Lucy
Touched for the first time by her – this lovely banshee
I grow in the blood of my sacrifices
Tear your beautiful body into pieces
My hands follow no longer my commands
Monsters In The ClosetDon´t turn around, do not look behind you
You know something could be there
´couse something tries to fiend you
It´s a fact that there is mor in the dark than in the light
A pure deep throated reason for fright
Your not a child anymore this sort of things does´nt happen
And we all know that….
Ref.: Monsters in the closet
Moonlight SonataLet me invite you for a walk
into your deepest thoughts
would you like to see our personal cemetery?
The temptation of fear is our shield, but beware
I will never, I will never release you again.
Yes, I know you're crazy,
Well I'm insane
Come and give me your heart
Nightmare in a Damaged BrainMy mind drifted in dirt and pain I was so weak and weary,
The sun and also my soul enveloped black and dreary.
Deep into the darkness I stood wondering, fearing,
My heart smoldered deep within.
But it had still continued beating
Nightmare in a damaged brain – all night long
White apparition glided nearby with an ancient grin,
The air grew denser, death perfumed from the ghostly censer.
Sad SerenadeShe does not belong to the outside world,
since the day that she was born.
She has to make her way alone and on her own
She's not Daddy's little princess,
she's her mothers Nightingale.
She is the melancholy bird of a fairtale.
But it was this lie
that makes her cry.
Space InvadersLet evil out, let madness swing
Our psychotic minds with lust to kill
We are no slaves or masters – of none
We are the worst case cenario and we have come
The world belongs to the undead
So they keep coming back
In blood thirsty lust for human flesh
Pits the dead against the living
Sweet Love LobotomyLesson 1: Take Care
I know you got to get out of here
Honey don't pass up this chance
for a sweet deadly love romance
let's be together for a while
and get to know each other well,
exchanging jokes and tales and chatter
before we get to the things that matter