DeliriumAscertain things are left
Vagueness cause it ain't over till it's over
For reasons I have not disovered
I feel full of beans
WAylay outside unseen trouble
Where means are often
PAssing phases
Even-handed young and happy
Faculties Of The MindIt's gonna be a fifty-fifty treatment
You'd be in and never outdoor
You'd be king long lost forgotten
It's gonna take a while I once remembered
There were lies I used to tell her
Hidden secrets make it rotten
Garden City Of LightsHey Joe howdy rianbow
Claustrophobic hour
Sittin by the jewel in the
Crown noisy motor sounds
Go go the cops are comin
You gotta move your cars
Think you're samrt parking free
Never get it right
LoveMinimize me and you
Get alive reality
Fall in love with buddy love
And courtney love
And the rest of you
Out in the clouds
Downing on you
Ask me!
Mating SeasonGetting jaded
Day by day
Diggin' deep, deep shores
Mating Season
Of reality
MokhshaIf I'm confuse just lead the way
Over used and exploid the sin
Overboard and what you have
Run towards our fancy room
Let it rise just once again
You and I are a part of the last
And from now until the end
MysteryGuess I once was strange
Silence waiting game
Should have it to dawn
What I faces is were
#Think I'll stay on over
#Gotta move a little closer
#Think of what I should and shouldn't have
PacificBorn to be lame
In common wealth
What's with their blessed mentality
Your superficial protocols
I say I'm coming right behind
Several things I've learn
A thousand things I've burnt
Complications first before the honey
Ruin By The Selling OutAll the way for I dare not
Buy it what am I supposed to
Do without you?
Life will never be the
Same when I picked up the pieces
Rock and roll legacy
Rock and roll lies
Don't you ruin my holiday
Selamat Tinggal DuniaPagi petang
Siang malam
Lintang pukang
Pasir jerlus
Litar pintas
Jerangkap samar
Jerangkap samar
Selamat tinggal dunia
Still RiverBaby baby you better be under control
So don't lose out low
Name name me the other one for once
I recall so do me a favor
Up rise the waterfall
Wetting my eyes
I've lost my own sight but
StolenWhat would you say to me if I sold my soul
To the devil
Would you knel to me and deny
Yourself the effection
What would you say to me if I sold my soul
To the devil
If I ask you why confuse myself in corruption
I tried so too hard to try
Tentang TentangBukak radio di pagi hari
Malam hari sama sahaja
Cinta sana, cinta sini
Aku gila geli
Cinta sana, cinta sini
Aku gila geli
Bukak radio Hitz FM
WeirdShow the way from down below
Welcome home, I'd feel above
Putting those who never
Shower with my advice
And I tried a little weird
Feelin' lost inside myself
No one knows how better it gets
Words Vs Wisdom1 2
1 2 3 4
A suck
Do you know you've lost your shortcut
Kiss my heart just now I sick yah
Get my arm back
Gotta get them again it all