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  • Текст песни ВИА Латный ботинок - Вестфальский мир

    Исполнитель: ВИА Латный ботинок
    Название песни: Вестфальский мир
    Дата добавления: 12.01.2015 | 07:26:56
    Просмотров: 23
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    На этой странице находится текст песни ВИА Латный ботинок - Вестфальский мир, а также перевод песни и видео или клип.
    While Europe speak of peace, all other battles cease
    There's a man who aims for more than he can reach
    All over
    On fire
    All of Bohemia set ablaze
    Stand on their own

    The road to the city has been blocked
    (They're denied)
    To enter the gates
    Though they tried
    (Though they tried)
    When Prague was called to arms
    They fought them on the bridge
    Their freedom was at stake

    Stand and fight, the city is burning
    Königsmarck lost, stopped him at Karluv Most.
    Stained by blood, their brothers die side by side
    Did what they could
    Died where they stood

    Their city has been besieged, all hell on Prague unleashed
    As the cannons crush the walls, the city shakes
    Is spreading
    And pain is all that Sweden brought
    Rise and strike back

    The walls of the city has been breached
    (They're reclaimed)
    On that very night
    They did it on their own
    They fought them on the bridge
    Their freedom was at stake

    Stand and fight, the city is burning
    Königsmarck lost, stopped him at Karluv Most.
    Stained by blood, their brothers die side by side
    Did what they could
    Died where they stood

    Unconquered city on Vltavas shore
    Start of the conflict and end of the war
    Unconquered city on Vltavas shore
    Is protected by its people
    And thirty years ago the war begun
    It has returned to where it started

    Пока вся Европа о мире твердит, и все сражения прекращаются,
    Всегда найдётся тот, кто стремится заполучить большее, чем может достигнуть.
    В огне
    Вся Чехия сожжена,
    Предоставлены сами себе.

    Путь к городу был преграждён,
    Не удалось
    (Им не удалось)
    Проникнуть в город через ворота,
    Хотя они пытались
    (Хотя они пытались).
    Когда по всей Праге раздался призыв к оружию,
    Они приняли бой на мосту,
    Ибо их свобода стояла на кону.

    Вставайте и сражайтесь, город в огне,
    Конигсмарк в замешательстве, остановите их на Карлова мосту!
    Кровью запятнанные, их братья умирают плечом к плечу,
    Сделали всё, что могли,
    Погибали там, где стояли.

    Их город был в осаде, казалось, всей ад над Прагой распростёрся.
    Орудия стены крушили, сотрясая весь город.
    И боль – вот что Швеция несёт,
    Восстаньте и нанесите ответный удар!

    Городские стены, что были разрушены,
    (Они их восстановили)
    В тот же вечер,
    Они сделали всё это сами,
    Они приняли бой на мосту,
    Ибо их свобода стояла на кону.

    Вставайте и сражайтесь, город в огне,
    Конигсмарк в замешательстве, остановите их на Карлова мосту!
    Кровью запятнанные, их братья умирают плечом к плечу,
    Сделали всё, что могли,
    Погибали там, где стояли.

    Непокорённый город на берегу Влтавы,
    Начало конфликта и окончание войны.
    Непокорённый город на берегу Влтавы,
    Защищённый своими людьми.
    И война, развязанная тридцать лет назад,
    Вернулась туда, откуда взяла своё начало.
    While Europe speak of peace, all other battles cease
    There's a man who aims for more than he can reach
    All over
    On fire
    All of Bohemia set ablaze
    Stand on their own

    The road to the city has been blocked
    (They're denied)
    To enter the gates
    Though they tried
    (Though they tried)
    When Prague was called to arms
    They fought them on the bridge
    Their freedom was at stake

    Stand and fight, the city is burning
    Königsmarck lost, stopped him at Karluv Most.
    Stained by blood, their brothers die side by side
    Did what they could
    Died where they stood

    Their city has been besieged, all hell on Prague unleashed
    As the cannons crush the walls, the city shakes
    Is spreading
    And pain is all that Sweden brought
    Rise and strike back

    The walls of the city has been breached
    (They're reclaimed)
    On that very night
    They did it on their own
    They fought them on the bridge
    Their freedom was at stake

    Stand and fight, the city is burning
    Königsmarck lost, stopped him at Karluv Most.
    Stained by blood, their brothers die side by side
    Did what they could
    Died where they stood

    Unconquered city on Vltavas shore
    Start of the conflict and end of the war
    Unconquered city on Vltavas shore
    Is protected by its people
    And thirty years ago the war begun
    It has returned to where it started

    While the whole of Europe on the world repeats , and all the battles cease,
    There will always be someone who tends to get more than you can accomplish.
    All Over,
    on fire
    All Czech burned,
    To fend for themselves .

    Way to the city was blocked by ,
    ( They failed )
    Enter the city through the gate ,
    Although they tried to
    (Although they tried ) .
    When Prague came across a call to arms ,
    They took the fight on the bridge,
    Because their freedom was at stake .

    Get up and fight , the city in flames ,
    Konigsmark confused , stop them on the Charles Bridge !
    Blood- stained , their brothers die shoulder to shoulder,
    Did everything they could ,
    Died where he stood .

    Their city was under siege seemed all hell spread out over Prague .
    Guns crushing wall , shaking the whole city .
    All Over,
    And the pain - that carries Sweden ,
    Arise and struck back !

    The city walls that were destroyed,
    ( They have them restored )
    That same evening ,
    (Continuous) ,
    They did it all themselves ,
    They took the fight on the bridge,
    Because their freedom was at stake .

    Get up and fight , the city in flames ,
    Konigsmark confused , stop them on the Charles Bridge !
    Blood- stained , their brothers die shoulder to shoulder,
    Did everything they could ,
    Died where he stood .

    Invictus city on the banks of the Vltava ,
    Start of conflict and war.
    Invictus city on the banks of the Vltava ,
    Protected his people .
    The war waged thirty years ago ,
    Returned from whence took its origin .


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