Down With The ShipI turn on every light in my house at night
I make it so bright so there’s nowhere to hide
but the shadows find their way into my mind
I put my favorite records on
to try and chase that song off of my tongue
but when the records done it digs itself back up
If people still made mix tapes
then I’d make you a mix tape
I’d hide a secret meaning in the songs
And I know you would get it
Because you always get it
You always seem to know what’s going on
Moss Man
You're not really traveling if you don't have a home
You might say that it's where ever you're at
And I can Agree with that, but sometimes it's nice to know
that when you're done you can go home
Home to you might mean familiar streets familiar trees
Home to you might mean being with your family
Not So Smart PhoneE G# A B / A B E
that band got everybody to dance / i don't think i've ever seen a better show
i found you standing at the back of the room / you were looking at your phone
no one knew why you said what you said / but i guess that we should have known
we thought that you were talking to us but / you were looking at your phone
Santa CruzIn santa cruz, I called you.
The show was over and the hipster party had begun
They were wearing christmas sweaters, in september,
smoking weed and having fun
I don’t think that they wanted us there
but we had no place to go
All the cool kids at the show said goodbye and they went home
Someone NewI can’t believe that I used to defend you
When people told me you were rude
I can’t believe that I used to pretend to
not believe that it was true
you and me used to be friends
but I’ll probably never see you again
and If I do, well I won’t say hi to you
Song For Ruby Sparks
I heard you were working in a dungeon
and you were learning how to tell the truth
some people say fiction is boring
but where does that leave you?
Sometimes I think that I made you up
And that you only really live in my head
The Only Truth
good things are gonna happen to you
bad things are gonna happen too
you can pretend you’ve got it all under control
but you don’t, you don’t, you don’t
take a look down at your shadow
it’s growing longer everyday