Astept iubireAm asteptat o raza de soare, ce-ar putea sa-mi incalzeasca inima mea
Oare cat o voi avea ... ?
Si mi-e tare greu noaptea plang mereu; Unde esti iubirea mea ...
Cand voi putea sa te strang la pieptul meu ... ?
Refren :
Astept iubire, doar lacrimile-mi curg,
Burning LoveOh-whoa
I get excited when you walk my way
I feel the blood pulse in my veins, oh
I heard a rumor spread since yesterday
I don't believe in what they say, no
CasanovaKażdy z nas potrafi grać
Trochę lepiej lub gorzej
Śpiewa także każdy z nas
Jeśli drugi pomoże
Już od kilku dobrych lat
Wciąż bawimy się z wami
Wy tańczycie a my gramy wam
Don't Talk About LoveYou play with anyone,
Like you’ve played with me so far
Now you got what you want
Do you think that you’re a star
In the mirror I see your eyes
Hell is raining down on me
I sweat with every breath,
So don’t keep playing tricks on me
In My HoodI know, I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know
I know some places we can go
That you can get it for the low
I know some places we can go
Just make sure you bring that .44
'Cause these niggas will kill you
If they don't feel you
Knock KnockWho is it?
It's me
The one that you been tweetin' 'bout
Now I'm at your crib nigga ain't no leavin' out
Oh that's your kids ready for school? They ain't leavin' now
I got some niggas outside, ain't no sneakin' out
It's me
The one that you been tweetin' 'bout
Love liesLike the candle in the wind
We lit the spark of love
But it’s hard to fuel the fire so long
And as we both drift apart
We have nothing left to give
And the emptiness inside me
Tearing at my heart
Nu plange inimavers 1
Daca nu ma mai iubesti mai bine mor de dorul tau
Noaptea mereu nu am somn si ma gandesc la chipul tau
Nu ti-am cerut sa imi juri iubire sau viata toata sa mi-o dai
Aveam un strop de fericire cand in brate ma strangeai
Nu plange inima
Iubeshti cu patima
Nu-mi Plange InimaDaca nu ma mai iubesti mai bine mor de dorul tau
Noaptea mereu nu am somn si ma gandesc la chipul tau
Nu ti-am cerut sa imi juri iubire sau viata toata sa mi-o dai
Aveam un strop de fericire cand in brate ma strangeai
Nu plange inima
Iubeshti cu patima
Por eso yo te amoPor cómo me miras y me dices tanto cuando dices nada
Por cómo me tocas con esa mirada que acaricia el alma
Y por cómo me abrazas, por eso te amo hu hu hu!!
Porque cuando le pedí al cielo que mandara un ángel
Me llevó hasta ti y antes de pensar en alguien
Pienso en ti primero incluso antes de mí
Porque atrapas mi atención, eres mi aventura,
Ride The Wings Of FreedomRide the wings of freedom
Ride the wings of love
It was you and me babe having fun
Ride into the sunset tell our love would never end
Summertime back in ’81 just you and I
Big love, great balls of fire in this heart of mine
We loved life, fun’s what we were looking for
The Girl Is MineHere I sit, in the dark
I wait for her, to ease my heart
Winds of change, took her love away
Gimme a chance, gimme one more day
Who will kiss away the tears
When you’re leaving me that way
Shake me, take me
Unde estiI:
Privesc in noaptea grea
Caut privirea ta
Vad cum s-a stins din cer o stea
Ochii mi s-au inchis
Durerea m-a invins
Acum plutesc ca intr-un vis