Cathy Burton все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
- Reach out to me
The storm cloud,
Has finally been lifted,
I can see it in the distance,
And my mind an open hand
I can feel a brand new day
A sense of reason
A sense of purpose
- Redeemer
Laying my burdens at Your cross
I will not be proud of all I've done
But I’ll boast in You
I will place my heart into Your hands
For You are the author of all life
And with every breath You give to me
- Surrender
Everybody is seeking meaning
A place to call it home
Something to believe in before it calls (?)
Everybody is seeking comfort
Someone to be a friend
A hand to hold on to in times of [..]
- Искупитель
куп. Возложу заботы на Тебя
Грех свой оставляю у креста
Мне гордиться нечем без Тебя
Ты-хвала моя!
пр.Ты мой Искупитель
Ты мой Целитель
Ты мой Спаситель