A Gothic Love Songi'm clicking your fingers for a gothic twilight
that actually existed just in your head
your fingernails painted black or bloodred
i forget
and your fake-leather volumes jabbering on hell
manifest decadence was what you hoped to exhale
your eyes tried so hard to glitter
A Sad Sadness SongWhen we touch the world
Just to fall apart
And our mother lies in state
And the broken pitcher glistens
And the snow is at the window
Making neither sign nor symbol
And the earth covers earth
And the mud lies in pools
A Sadness SongWhen we touch the world
And it falls away
When we feel that we're born
Just to fall apart
And our mother lies in state
And the broken pitcher glistens
And the snow is at the window
Creating neither sign nor symbol
A Song for Douglas After He's Deadhe crouches on the floor there''s a mask on the wall
and he leafs through the pages of a book
but wait as he may in the shadow of other leaves
his heart in embraces to times long since scorched
the horizon folds over with a purple sunrise
and the wind carries smoke from an earth that is burning
the smoke locks in his hair and he''s covered with patterns
All The Pretty Little Horseshush-a-bye
don't You cry
go to sleepy little baby
go to sleepy little baby
when You wake
you shall have
all the pretty little horsies
all the pretty little horsies
All The Pretty Little Horses 2Hush-a-bye
Don't you cry
Go to sleepy little baby
Go to sleepy little baby
When you wake
You shall have
All the pretty little horsies
All the pretty little horsies
All The World Makes Great BloodSorry then bird flight
Passes across my window
Sorry then dog crouches
Under the still sun
Sorry then moi je
Regrette tout ce que
J'ai fait
O le soleil se couche I
AloneWhilst I thought I was climbing
I found myself descending
Having lost my way let me go up
Having lost my way let me go down
I have no other work to do
It would have been better
no to be the mother
It's sorrowful when a son goes away
Anyway, People DieWho am I?
Who do you say I am?
As I hobble on to the land of the dull...
Wings or wheels, wings or wheels?
Now I'm like a silly boy
Now I'm like the Wandering Jew
He goes on, but I linger
The rain makes...
As Real as RainbowsSo when and where
Were the revolutions?
The deserts now
Are full of the comas of stars
Bone and memory of fallen faces
Killing stars and wine
So when and what
Were the revolutions?
BeFrom a swerven shore to bend of bay
Just as easy to die on a bright sunny day
When my mind and heart return
To count the crackings of my faults
To try and tell the form is dark
To pitch a pain and make it hold
To crowl through rain in dust parched bowl
These are the things we may no do
Bind Your Tortoise MouthBind your tortoise mouth
With mist and curved teeth
The main joke had been cracked
And whilst the laughter melted
Into smaller worlds like whirlpools
Sucking in the slaughtering sheep
I looked at your face in pearl light
And sleepy the clouds that kissed your mouth
Black Ships Ate the Sky*это лучшее, что случалось с музыкой*
I had already seen
Black Ships ate the sky
I was sweet sixteen
The fences folded
And the trees surrounded
Black Ships in the sky
Calling for Vanished Faces I.If then I meet you along the way
Where the laurel trees surround us on every side
If then in a small place i stand alone
And turn my head and you smile there
If then I reach out and touch your form
Where all your silences and your chaos meets
Where everything joins and parts
Calling For Vanished Faces IIif only i could take you all at once
i would take you for ever and ever and only so
lose myself in you
and so i smile and skip green god like there
the picture of allrage all lust and wanton
the inmost night
and lay waste to the playgrounds
the concrete covers all
Crooked Crosses for the Nodding God 1989Crooked Crosses for the Nodding God-1989
1. He is Everywhere Nowhere [02:55]
2. Northforth [00:38]
3. Hail [02:40]
4. The Return of the Final Church [05:06]
5. Snow [01:59]
6. Oh Thou Coal Black Smith [04:44]
DianaLust he follows virtue close
Through the steaming woodlands
His darkened blood through bulging veins
Through the steaming woodlands
Virtue knows he follows softly
Through the steaming woodlands
Travel light the deathly shudder
Down the leafy pathway
FallingThe starlight has faded
The lamplight is dimming
And silence is growing
All around
All around
The voice are stopping
Eyesight fading too
All around
Falling Back In Fields Of RapeWar
In a foreign town
In a foreign land
Reaping time had come
In fields of swaying rape
It could not happen here
Pushed to one side with the flick of a wrist
Farewell, The Birds Have Stopped SingingNow cursed be thee
Who would ruin our fair land
And cursed be thee
That would seal up the wells
And cursed be thee
That abandon the god's hands
And build a strange place
For our people to dwell
Good Morning, Great MolochGood morning, great Moloch
Bright nothing
Selling your peacocks
At the corner of sight
Good evening, bloodmother
Hailwell hello angel
a gift and a smile
well hello
as we walk a crooked mile
and a twisted man
leans on twisted sticks
with children's laughter
Happy Birthday Pigface ChristusIn menstrual night
When red is black
And Christus crawls
From Mary's crack
Wrapped in tatters
And flailing in mud
Child defiled
With tears and blood
Hitler As Kalkithese are the dregs
of the last grains of the age
it may be the hourglass of earth covering earth
but not in Betlehem
not in Jerusalem
not in Chorazaim
and not in Bethsaida
we will not again see
HoovesHorses are riding into her arms
She lost her own way years ago
Her sister calls her from the far side of night
And she falls with that call
The only way out:
She tells me "I love you"
But it's only a game
So she slides from the silence
Hourglass for DianaMy life is measured by this glasse, this glasse
By all those little Sands that through passe
And see how they press, see how they strive, which shall
With greatest speed and greatest quickness fall
And see how they raise a little Mount, and then
With their own weight do level it again
Hourglass For Rosy AbeliskMy life is measur'd by this glasse, this glass
By all those little Sands that thorough passe
See how they presse, see how they strive, which shall
With greatest speed speed and greatest quicknesse fall
See how they raise a little Mount, and then
With their owne weight doe levell it agen.
But then th'have all got thorough, they give o're
Their nimble sliding downe, and move no more.
I Caught a Glimpse of Your EyesI caught a glimpse of your eyes
Last night in a restless dream
Awaking out of green field blue seas stars
Your eyes arose like the spectres of flowers
I turned out the light and clicked fast the door
The book fell
I had so many thoughts, so many signs
I made sense of nothing at all
i dreamt i was aeonWhen I came over the water
I saw her face glory on the sea
and I have come to draw you to me.
Baal Storm — Put yourself in my place
The surface seas in the mirror, the grass, the gorge...
Mark, mark, mark this "Is everything all right?"
I Have A Special Plan For This WorldWhen everyone you have ever loved is finally gone
When everything you have ever wanted is finally done with
When all of your nightmares are for a time obscured
As by a shining brainless beacon
Or a blinding eclipse of the many terrible shapes of this world
When you are calm and joyful
And finally entirely alone
Then in a great new darkness
I Looked to the South Side of the DoorAdam stands on docetic mountain
The woman's face is full of stars
In the words of the book
And with the lips of the book
And the trumpet and the seal
And the candlestick that lights
Up your bed with seeds and flowers
And the lion on your rug
Immortal BirdWhat drives us on?
What drives us on?
I left something of myself in you
Fourscore, twenty, thirty
In your body and in your flesh
In your vault of skin
I was nothing for you
Imperium IIHow can there be pleasure?
How can there be joy?
When the whole world is burning
What joy is there in this body
Seeing these discarded bones
Scattered here and there
Where they were tossed upon the ground
Through the same moment of the night
Imperium IVImperium
Christ was born in Bethlehem
Christ was born in Bethlehem
Christ was born in Bethlehem
And in a manger lay
Imperium Vwhat joy is there in this body?
seeing these discarded bones
scattered here and there
where they are pushed by the wind
when first they're tossed upon the ground
then that same moment of your life
humans first emptied into the womb
the journey of their life to death begins
In the Heart of the Wood and What I Found ThereIn the heart of the wood
In the closed forest
Christ appeared to me
In several forms
One two three four
Swastika I'm told
On the Cliffs of Moher
I walk with Mary
It Is Time Only Timewhen you told me
you heard the winds cry
and then you told me
you felt the seas die
and then you showed me
the flight of seagulls
and whispered gently
the party is over
Judas as Black MothAll the blossoms have been paid for
Pettled with blood
Back over their moulded walls
With spiteful flames
I can't hear the voice
I can't see the form
The wallpaper peeling
Let the walls down
Lament For HerThere's the odor of incense
And I double in pain
And I flick through the past
As arrayed in my mind
On a bed in a room
That's locked on some hill
I'm gripping her hand
As she cries to the wall
Larkspur And LazarusLarkspur And Lazarus
The empty streets
The songs of twilight
The clouds at rest
Let Us Go To The RoseMignonne, allons voir si la rose
Qui ce matin avait déclosé
Sa robe de poupre au soleil
A point perdu cette vêprée
Les plis de sa robe pourprée
Et son teint au vôtre pareil
Las! Voyez comme en peu d'espace
Mignonne, elle a dessus la place
Lucifer Over LondonThe twisted wings and cluds unfold
And the greatgape of He who fell
Makes darkened shadows over pointed spires
Little children point and sing
And little children run and dance
Over there the setting sun
And under that the silent stars
And under they the weeping sky
Maldoror Is Ded Ded Ded DedMaldoror is dead
Little brick
Buried in the earth
Maldoror is gone
Was I a man?
Was I a stone?
Maldoror is dead
Chance meetings, Maldoror
Misery FarmWe've got a farm, a barn of a farm
Right in the middle of a swamp
There ain't any charm in our little farm
Right in the middle of the swamp
Now nothing's grown since the day we came
Misery Farm is our farm's name!
MockingbirdI saw the back of the stars
Tremble and fall
While seahorses played
On the slope of your breast
I saw a hundred angels
Rush to the ground
They were giving you garlands
And giving you crowns
Moonlight Or Other Dreams Or Other FieldsCaught when I was still a child
By a terrible vision of my Christ
And caught in the throat by your signs and tears and goodbyes
I picked me up
And walked too far
With thought of no return
And not to see your face again and drowning all my hopes
Moonlight, You Will Sayi remember walking in the fields around York
oh miserere
i remember sitting in a small room in London
and i remember thinking
Nature Unveiled 1984Nature Unveiled-1984
1. Current 93 - Ach Golgotha (Maldoror Is Dead) [18:59]
2. Current 93 - The Mystical Body Of Christ In Chorazaim (The Great In The Small) [19:51]
3. Current 93 - No Hiding From The Blackbird [04:05]
4. Nurse With Wound - The Burial Of The Sardine [06:16]
5. Current 93 - LAShTAL [03:52]
6. Current 93 - Salt [03:50]
Niemandswasseri have to say
i have to see
the twilight moonlit
the houses on hills
all appear so blind
at night
the webs that bind them
to the skies
Of Ruine Or Some Blazing Starre 1994Of Ruine Or Some Blazing Starre-1994
1. A Voice From Catland [00:19]
2. Steven And I In The Field Of Stars [02:54]
3. The Teeth Of The Winds Of The Sea [07:13]
4. Moonlight, You Will Say [05:17]
5. Into The Bloody Hole I Go [00:58]
6. The Darkly Splendid World [00:49]
Oh Coal Black Smithoh she looked out of the window
as white as any milk
but he looked into the window
as black as any silk
hello hello hello hello
hello you coal black smith
oh what is your silly song?
you shall never change my maiden name
Our Lady of HorsiesOur lady of rats
Our lady of wings
Our lady of smokes
Our lady of night
Our lady of smiles
Our lady of silence
Our lady of sickles
Our lady of womblight
pomegranateBut meanwhile there was a ghost in my life
and the Pomegranate Blues descended
Heard voices of Planets following
Satellites in death's purple paws
Mixed the drains by golden dragon fever Shapur II Lord of Dust
In the battlefields of precrescent rain
The putti rejoice and Julian is unhorsed
Speared and smeared in the desert
RiverdeadbankLike dust
I'm lost in the world
I thought that I had
A particular place
Between the earths
Between the scarred sky
I feel the crunch of dirt
Rome For Douglas P.A penny for the old guy
In the time we were lost and scarred in a moment
Tortured by doubt and surrounded by ruins
Yours was the pleasure and mine was the praying
The works of our lifetime lay crumbled in dust
And when Rome falls
Rosy Star Tears From HeavenOnce I read and so I thought
(Firstly the red dragon rises in the east)
So I sat and still I thought
(Then the white dragon rises from the north)
I start to walk, and my mind turns
(Out of clouds a smokish dragon rises from the west)
Sad-Go-RoundLet me take you
On the sad go round
In the twilight zone
Hear the mournful sounds
Of the carousel
An the calliope
Where you lose your will
And abandon hope
She is dead and all fall downстихи Томаса Чаттертона (1752 - 1770)
Since disappointment and despair
The vainness of al hopes declare
Since toss'd upon this restless main
I strive 'gainst wind and waves in vain
The more I struggle for the shore
She Took Us To The Places Where The Sun SetsAnyway murder they say
Please murder
My face was watching braille dogs
Hammering out belonging to the sky
Their wings form shutters
From Alan's window
The incense drifts past the skins and shells
Ruby waves goodbye
Sleep Has His HouseHave pity for the dead
Sleep has his house
And so all of your suffering
And all of your pain
All of your pleasures
And all of your gain
All of your losses
Soft Black StarsLittle children snuggle under soft black stars
And if you look into their eyes soft black stars
Deliver them from the book and the letter and the word
And let them read the silence bathed in soft black stars
Let them trace the raindrops under soft black stars
Let them follow whispers and scare away the night
Let them kiss the featherbreath of soft black stars
And let them ride their horses licked by the wind and the snow
Soft Black Stars 1998Soft Black Stars-1998
1. Judas As Black Moth [02:44]
2. Larkspur And Lazarus [06:05]
3. A Gothic Love Song (For N.) [04:06]
4. Mockingbird [04:04]
5. Soft Black Stars [03:08]
6. It Is Time Only Time [05:06]
Steven And I In The Field Of StarsCircles within circles
We ride through them all
Circles within circles
"In the midst of the Southern regions..."
There a man rests and weeps
This year, next year,
Never, oh never
Suddenly the Living are DyingТекст песни
Current 93 - Suddenly the Living are Dying
Nero with his axes
And piles of skies gurgling
Behind him
Diocletian smiles
And the garlands of meat fall tall
The Ballad Of The Pale ChristOn bended knees we pray for war, a blade draws blood but often tarnishes
Through blazing eyes I see new sunsets, sky now breaking different shades of red
We pray for blades, ablazing locusts call for wars to wet the earth
To cover the world in black and bracken, flaming stubble with church bell battles
And then I lie in the arms of a smiling girl who prays to Christ and the pale queens mighty in sorrow
Mighty in sorrow
Mighty in sorrow
Mighty in sorrow
The Bloodbells ChimeSell all you have give it to the kittens
And pour the milk on Louis' grave
And Catland sometimes called Pussydom
Opens for you instantly it's the inmost light!
It's the inmost light
Somewhere over the rainbow
On the goodship lollipop
The Blue Gates Of DeathBefore and beyond
The blue gates of death
Only two birds
They soar through the sky
Take two blackbirds
Cross-formed on poppy fields
And sprung in the springtime
Of Europe's fertile years
The Cat Is DeadThe stars on horizon
Five I see them and count
They line up like a row of heads
And I fall into their depths
Of water water everywhere
Oh let me fall into you
Let me sleep long and quiet
God watches all sparrows fall
The Death of the Cornthrough the marshes
and through the flitering glades
through the corn
and through the scything fields
the summer sun
she dances and rages
the summer sun
flies burning into the light
The Descent of Long Satan and BabylonLong Satan and Babylon are walking
They're talking of fire and of ice
Of the silence that stalks in the forest
And a Christ spun out of the worlds
Long Satan and Babylon are moving
Through a world ripped away from its centre
They shear through the rushes
the dissolution of 'the boat millions of years'As for 'The Boat Millions of Years'
I saw it sink crash explode implode
How ever many years of destiny?
Dead duck anyway
Two crowns same end
God holocaust in the sky over Memphitic mud
Pharaonic massacre!
Ten thosand years of blood in mud
The Dream of a Shadow of Smoke
"So is every man. he is born in vanity and sin. he comes into the world like
Mushrooms, soon thrustling up their heads into the air, and conversing with
Kindred of the same production, and as soon as they turn to dust and
Some of them without any other interest in the affairs of the world, but that
The Great, Bloody And Bruised Veil Of The WorldThe great, bloody and bruised veil of the world
The great, bloody and bruised veil of the world
The trees wave in England
The streams flow in England
The poor halt in England
The poor heart of England
"And did those feet..."
Hobbled and crippled as They were
The Inmost NightAnd I drown a little more every day
The wind blows so slowly now
The trees are dry dead
Walls to me they cannot hold back the storm any longer
The Light Is Leaving Us All 2018The Light Is Leaving Us All-2018
1. The Birds Are Sweetly Singing (00:03:45)
2. The Policeman Is Dead (00:05:28)
3. Bright Dead Star (00:04:22)
4. 30 Red Houses (00:03:19)
5. A Thousand Witches (00:05:45)
6. Your Future Cartoon (00:02:49)
The Magical Bird In The Magical WoodsI saw the slot of the sun
The final cut of the sun
Start like a hare
Over the shoddy grey walls
I saw you dimple and crease
And turn a card from the pack
By your bed
As though swords, cups, discs and wands
The Signs And The Sighs Of EmptinessThe waves slide down
On the crackblack shore,
And the sea rolls on
Into emptiness.
To love is to lose,
And to lose is to die.
All our meanings dissolve
The Signs In The StarsI had gathered some flowers
To lay upon your face
Though you were not gone
From the realm of the quick
I saw all the rainclouds
Being driven on forward
By horses long numbered
And featureless and free
The Summer Of LoveFeeling easy on the outside
Not so funny on the inside
Hear the sound and pray for rain
But this is the night we ride
And this ain't the Garden of Eden
There ain't no angels above
And things ain't what they used to be
Then Kill CaesarI was awake dreaming
Of new Dystopias to run to
And hide within
And new faces to wear
And new bodies to inhabit
And new lies to guzzle
And how I loved the moon
And its sheet of seeds
This Autistic Imperium Is Nihil ReichThis autistic Imperium
With paint and spick and span
Is Nihil Reich
Whilst wine calls meat
My friend at teatime
Wonders at the weight
Of the armies that wait
For Golden Caesar
This Carnival Is Dead And GoneDear sir dear lady
This carnival is dead and gone
And never anyway alas this party never yet began
The chairs and tables dust of dust
Yes verydust of veryrust of verymust and farewelltrust
I thought I saw you in the crowd dear heart
You turned away from me and dissolved into light
The broken lights and faded buntings
Those Flowers GrewThose flowers grown 'how means
Babylon climb never found but in your heart
The ghost of Gary Glitter
There was no hanging God no savior'and so became 'before the '
From the Adam to eviland from eve to ..
From came adio'
Promegraming beast
Thunder Perfect Mind CD-2 1992Thunder Perfect Mind CD-2-1992
1. Suzanne: She and I in Darkness We Lay and Lie [04:26]
2. Red House [00:28]
3. Our Lady of Horsies [06:35]
4. Anyway, People Die [01:47]
5. Silence as Christine [02:24]
6. Maldoror is Ded Ded Ded Ded [12:11]
Thunder Perfect Mind II am the first and the last.
I am the honored one and the scorned one.
I am the whore and the holy one.
I am the wife and the virgin.
I am the mother and the daughter.
I am the members of my mother.
I am the barren one
And many are her sons.
Thunder Perfect Mind СD-1 1992Thunder Perfect Mind СD-1-1992
1. A Beginning [00:44]
2. The Descent of Long Satan and Babylon [03:01]
3. A Sadness Song [04:14]
4. A Song for Douglas After He's Dead [04:58]
5. In the Heart of the Wood and What I Found There [02:50]
6. Mary Waits in Silence [02:57]
Time Stands StillWhat then is love but mourning?
What desire but they self burning?
Time stands still
Time stands still
And I know that this is the movement of bodies
Each body pulsing with it's own time and power
Time Tryeth Truth"If I cast my eyes before me, what an
Infinite space in which i do not exist;
And if I look behind me, what a terrible
Procession of years in which I do not
Exist, and how little space i occupy in
This vast abyss of time..."
Like to the falling of a Starre;
Twilight Twilight Nihil NihilWHO WILL DELIVER ME FROM THIS BODY OF DEATH? WHO WILL DELIVER ME FROM THIS BODY OF DEATH? WHO WILL DELIVER ME FROM THIS BODY OF DEATH? WHO WILL DELIVER ME FROM THIS BODY OF DEATH? WHO WILL DELIVER ME FROM THIS BODY OF DEATH? WHO WILL DELIVER ME FROM THIS BODY OF DEATH? there is no refuge I have found the word does not save there is no refuge in the rock or stone there is no refuge in the wind or other forces of nature the fire especially especially does not save the fire only destroys and though it may purify it takes takes takes and gives nihil back nihil nihil nihil nihil nihil and the holybooks alas have not will not alas can not save nihil nihil nihil this is the chorus of the wind the sun the moon the waters all blue all green or stagnant nihil they sing nihil the inmost light nihil nihil the inmost light nihil nihil the inmost light nihil finally the child aged dies and sings nihil this swansong towards nothing nihil nihil nihil nihil nihil we need not not not blow out the candle nihil nihil it dies anyhow nihil nihil nihil WHO WILL DELIVER ME FROM THIS BODY OF DEATH? nihil nihil nihil WHO WILL DELIVER ME FROM THIS BODY OF DEATH? nihil call me nihil nihil the stars are so far I had thought not but nihil but nihil the great king is dead the great queen is dead their child stillborn and so nihil nihil nihil nihil they call the inmost light but hear nihil nihil nihil who will deliver me from this body of death who will deliver me from this body of death NIHIL NIHIL NIHIL I felt I saw You coming over the water without You I am nothing and still I see You NIHIL NIHIL NIHIL NIHIL in the room where NIHIL NIHIL NIHIL the wineglass shattered in the box I gave it to You NIHIL NIHIL NIHIL NIHIL shattered NIHIL I thought I saw You waving to me over the bay NIHIL NIHIL NIHIL You waved NIHIL
why we have no words any longer to say to one another Your mouth opens and NIHIL NIHIL NIHIL bend Your face to kiss You said NIHIL bend Your arms to hold You said NIHIL and NIHIL NIHIL NIHIL there is nothing there NIHIL NIHIL NIHIL bend Your face to kiss You said
the waters arise and take me finally and my remembrance is NIHIL NIHIL NIHIL NIHIL NIHIL NIHIL NIHIL NIHIL NIHIL NIHIL NIHIL NIHIL
When The May Rain ComesGreen are the streets
The asphalt is glistening
When the dust of the day
Shall be washed away
The windows are closed
And the rain is dripping
From sill to sill
And down to the ground
Where The Long Shadow FallsAround me: I stand on the shore
The waters are black and swirling
I hold a black mirror in my hands
The /swastiked/ winds sweep around me
Their arms the nightbreath sleepwalking
The sighing of imminence and ending
All there the waves curl under and over
Around me: I see things coming to a close
Whilst The Night Rejoices Profound And StillAs we stared beyond the windows there
Over all the gardens
That have never been
And will never grow again
How long
How long
The shining, winking stars
With Flowers in the Garden of FiresYou look beautiful still in the cloths
You wear in the photograph
(Falls to the floor and east dust and
Claims its NAME is FAME)
If you could saw the missiles that count time
As I have seen them (seen them) ride them
(I meant this, meaninglessly:)
"I am the hare with the eyes of coiled rope