Daughter Darling все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
Broken bridgeAll my rooms are filled with musty dust
Time has taken all that I possess
I never know if to laugh or to scream
To hate or to believe
How could you walk across that broken bridge
All their eyes followed as you so gracefully lived
And I tossed myself behind your feet
Dust In The WindI close my eyes
Only for a moment
And the moment's gone
All my dreams
Pass before my eyes a curiosity
Dust in the wind
All they are is dust in the wind
Let Me SpeakYou said you'd go
You said you'd go
'Cause she's changing your life
Now you're changing your mind
Take one long at my face
and then my eyes
Look deeper now
MermaidI live where you can't see me
Hiding away in the shadows of the deep
I swim into the bottom of your world
For every space I cross I see a thousand pearls
ShatteredHe drags his pretty razor
Across his tired skin
He does the world a favor
His pain leaks
His freedom begins
The can't feed from his torment anymore
Cause all his torment is feeding the floor
Sweet ShadowsApril how dare you
Bring me a life new
And now I sit and stare
Soul bare, soul bare, soul bare
He said to go left
The cold air stole my breath
And now I walk alone
They don't care soul bare, my soul bare
Voodoo GamesYou slice her open
But its me that bleeds
I feel her pain
And you feel greed
You comb her hair
Then pull it out
You tell her you can't live without