Dave's True Story все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
Crazy EyesCrazy Eyes
You've got a blue eye
That's deeper than any blue
As for the green one
I think that it's charming too
But put the two of them together
I'm left in great perplexity
Pipe down, Teddy
Ease up on those drums
Hey, Ferlinghetti
Stop those flapping gums
It's all Greek
Everlasting NoCharley stands on the block
In a shoe and one grey sock
I try to care
But that never gets you anywhere
So I sit in this booth
Drinking slow, divining truth
And the long, long way to go
To the everlasting no
Like A RockLike a Rock
The green glow of the clock
Reads half-past four
You creep along on cat's paw
as you cross the bedroom floor
I hear you breathe
Sex Without BodiesI was watching this movie
On my VCR
The things they were doing
Just a little bizarre
The expression of passion
Amid sweat and chlorine
They were five of the happiest people
That I've ever seen
When Kafka Was The RageThe pipes in my room begin seething
As I lie in bed barely breathing
Though I always knew
We'd be legends one day
I'd never have guessed you
To do it that way