Deacon Blue все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
City of LoveLost the will for keeping on
Just as the winter is dragging
What can I do with all of this?
Where can I put what I’m carrying?
All that remains is the city of love
All that remains is the city of love
DignityThere's a man I meet
Walks up our street
He's a worker for the council
Has been twenty years
And he takes no lip off nobody
And litter off the gutter
Puts it in a bag
And never thinks to mutter
Everytime You SleepI go to work
And I get in early
Lying to myself I need to be there
I pass the church
Nothing's ChangedThere nothing that you know
Nothing you’ll be told
Nothing here you can hold on to
There’s nothing in my face
For you to read for you to trace
Nothing to realise even if you want to
On LoveIn the early years he spent a lot of time with his grandparents
They lived one floor up in a tenement in the Hawkhill
In the mornings they’d go up to see his grandfather in a small hut at the graveyard where he kept watch while nothing moved
On some days they’d stop above the railway yard and sit and just gaze at the trains
They’d walk slowly looking at where the railings had been taken down
And he heard they’d needed to melt them down for iron during the wars
He wondered why they didn’t just rip them off and use them as spears to throw at each other
Then he’d watch the old man as he shaved and got ready to go out
Weight of the WorldHe’d been trying to tell a story called weight of the world
But he couldn’t find out how the whole thing works
All he needed was a reason
Watched and waited but no reason came
Kept on working on the weight of the world
It started getting better until it got worse
So he said goodbye