Allegory of Faith, Innocence and FutureA presence in my winding road
That relieved my deep anguish
A sparkling shine lightning my life
A new reason to smile
I feel I'm not alone
To restart my way (and keep walking)
We could build a smoother path
Blazing a TrailBlazing a trail towards a new life
Has someone heard about intruders?
We have just seen her
And who is she, where does she come from?
She has something strange...
My premonition, go and follow here!
Hey little boy, why are you alone?
Come To Paradiseveni ad nos: tempus est
Quod cupias nostrum est
Ignem in corde habemus
Promissa non exuemus
This is the palce where I'm inside
(Let me show how you must feel)
A magic circle of dilght
Crimson galeIt's the fire in your eyes
You are the light of love alive
The heat that warms their lives
The wall against all danger you are
Protected by your sense
And never willing to bow your head
You had to make your way
Earthly IllusionsVeritas
The sun keeps rising day after day
We rely on the sight that sees in vain
(nothing is true)
Through fake filters we observe a World
a silent enigma waits to be unfold
Encounter at Chronos' Maze I've been lost for so long, I fell asleep once more
I've walked this path before, don't know where I belong
Swarming inside my heart, a storm of silent souls
No answer to my quest, just silence, tears and prayers.
Awaiting for so long there is an open door
Whose threshold I have found, but who knows what's beyond?
Ex NihiloItxaropena ez duzu galdu behar, beti gogoratu nor
Zurekin egongo gara iluntasunean zure bidea
Time passes by still I remain the same
A shadow in a misty land
I am confined will this be my demise?
From the EmbersEx cineribus resurgemus, ex cineribus renascemus
Beyond the senses I create a parallel dimension
Where I can keep my dreams, save my imagination
You know this is insane, you know you are living an illusion
You are owner of your thoughts and slave of your confusion
Lies In Your EyesDon't disguise your emotions
Cause I know what you think
I vae a sixth sense that
You could not imagine
I know what you're thinking
In every moment of your life
I can see beyond your eyes
New EraNew era is here waiting for me
A new reality will appear, are you ready for a
New life?
Our revolution's going to start
Come with us prepare the future, are you ready
For the new life?
A new life has just began
No Time for RepentanceTime has come
There's no hope
You lost your chance
You didn't take the moral in her words
One reaps what one has sown.
Yes. It's our turn. It's the norm
One reaps what one has sown
Oihuka Bihotzetik Welcome to my hell
Last chapter of this tale
Last stop in your exile
A sweet end to dee our lives entwined
Lurra esnatzen ari da
Welcome to my hell
Sceneries of HopeThrough the darkness I can see
Faded stars are showing me
All the tracks I should follow
In the couldness of this night
It feels so warm
It feels so calm
I feel I'm out of danger