ArtemisLa Treizième revient... C’est encor la première ;
Et c’est toujours la seule, — ou c’est le seul moment ;
Car es-tu reine, ô toi ! la première ou dernière ?
Es-tu roi, toi le seul ou le dernier amant ?...
Aimez qui vous aima du berceau dans la bière ;
Celle que j’aimai seul m’aime encor tendrement :
C’est la mort — ou la morte... Ô délice ! ô tourment !
Double-Barrel PrayerThe dogs have come today
the dogs have come to stay
It's time to get your gun out
And drive the dogs away
They can smell your blood inside
It's loo late lo go and hide
The dogs are' on their way
Down So LowWhen you went away I cried
Cried for so long
And I wanted you to stay
Ah but that was all wrong
The pain you left behind
Has become part of me
And it's burned out a hole
Gloomy SundaySadly one Sunday
I waited and waited
with flowers in my arms
all the dream has created
I waited till dreams,
like my heart, were all broken
The flowers were all dead
and the words were unspoken
Let My People GoThe Devil has designed my death
and he's waiting to be sure
that plenty of his black sheep die
before he finds a cure.
O Lord Jesus, do you think I've served my time?
The eight legs of the Devil now are crawling up my
Long Black VeilTen years ago on a cold dark night,
someone was killed 'neath the town hall lights.
There were few at the scene, but they all agreed,
that the slayer who ran looked a lot like me.
She walks these hills, in a long black veil.
She visits my grave, when the night winds vail.
Nobody knows, nobody sees, nobody knows, but me
My World is Empty Without You.My world is empty without you, baby
My world is empty without you, baby
And as I go my way alone
I find it hard for me to carry on
I need your strenght
I need your tender touch
I need the love, my dear
See That My Grave Is Kept CleanWell there's one kind of favor I'll ask for you
Well there's one kind of favor I'll ask for you
There's just one kind of favor I'll ask for you
You can see that my grave is kept clean
And there's two white horses following me
And there's two white horses following me
I got two white horses following me
Si La MuerteSi la muerte viene y pregunta por mí
Haga el favor
De decirle que vuelva mañana
Que todavía no han cancelado mis deudas
Ni her terminado un poema
Ni he ordenado mi ropa para el viaje
Ni he llevado a su destino el encargo ajeno
Ni he echado llave en mis gavetas
This Is the Law of the PlagueLeviticus, Chapter 15. from the Old Testament
When any man hath an issue out of his flesh.
Because of that issue he is unclean.
Every bed whereon he lieth is unclean
and everything whereon he sitteth, unclean.
And whosoever toucheth his bed shall be unclean,
And he that sitteth whereon he sat shall be unclean.