Decoration DayIt's Decoration Day.
And I've a mind to roll a stone on his grave.
But what would he say.
"Keeping me down, boy, won't keep me away".
It's Decoration Day.
And I knew the Hill Boys would put it on away,
But my daddy wasn't afraid.
Panties In Your PurseSaw you standing in the hallway, red plastic cup
And one of them big long cigarettes
You asked me if I could play you some Dylan
I said,?Dylan, who?? You told me to kiss your ass
I apologized, but you could tell I didn't mean it
By the way I rolled my eyes
When you said,"It wasn't me, it was you"
Puttin' People on the MoonMary Alice had a baby and he looked just like I did
We got married on a Monday and I been working ever since
Every week down at the Ford Plant but now they say they're shutting down
God damned Reagan in the White House and no one there gives a damn
Double Digit unemployment, TVA be shutting soon
While over there in Huntsville, They puttin' people on the moon
The Buford StickNow Sheriff Buford Pusser's gotten too big for his britches
With his book reviews and movie deals
Down at the car lot making public appearances
For breaking up our homes and stills
I know he likes to brag how he wrestled a bear
But I knew him from the funeral home
Ask him for a warrant, he'll say "I keep it in my shoe"
That son of a bitch has got to go
The President's Penis is MissingThey looked in the White House and Capitol Hill
They looked everywhere for Buffalo Bill
We called every scholar, reporter and genius
Has anyone seen the President's penis?
It ain't in the White House or Judiciary
It ain't in the Smithsonian or that big ole library
An astronomer claims it was sighted on Venus
Zip CityYour Daddy was mad as hell
He was mad at me and you
As he tied that chain to the front of my car and pulled me out of that ditch that we slid into
Don't know what his problem is
Why he keeps dragging you away
Don't know why I put up with this shit
When you don't put out and Zip City's so far away