A World In Their ScreamsLe soleil est au plus haut.
Je crains les ténèbres qui viennent.
La nuit dernière, alors que ton corps se consumait,
Il y avait un monde dans tes cris.
Amour, je scuplte ton visage dans la pénombre du souvenir et cours vers la plus haute ruine
Des cris proviennent de Son monument - ce temple ou l'ombre est notre guide.
La cruauté du peuple y trouve à s'exercer sans mesure.
Dying into a dance,
the wait will be over soon...
Le soleil-guerre n'est pas au firmament.
The vision is gone, what is left to see?
A poison for the eye, a cure for the heart
Blood and grey skies entwinedDying into a dance,
Dismal the tide of woes,
Your eyes still can't see
A wave in the foaming streams
Turned loose our praying son.
The crawling snakes of massacre mesmerize the worn-out.
Blood and grey skies entwined.
Dancing Under The Closed Eyes Of ParadiseSOPOR AETERNUS...
O mortis secretum, ubi finis nervorum ?
O funeris algor, ubi sonus somniorum ?
The insane wine of the night misled my soul
At the confluence of dream and of pain...
We dance under the closed eyes of paradise,
And our eyes tear the insane space
Of the night.
Ethereal JourneysVaste oceane stellate, virgo omnis malefici,
Est hospes mirus se mergens in sinum tuum.
Creaturam tuam custodi,
tempestate ignem arce,
Quem non restinguere potes.
Venit Lucifer !
Venit angelus mortis !
Luciferian Revolution !
le fleuve infini des mortsEt la terre se mit à trembler des échos de sa colère ;
Ses anneaux résonnerent de mille voix.
Et le serpent de discorde s'élança, et il dévora le soleil pour installer le règne de la mort.
Toi qui es destin,
Ardeur et fureur,
Oublie la cendre qui coule de ta poitrine,
LuciferNominem tuum despicamur, denegamus nostram originem.
Spiritus domini atque verba deceptoris preces perdiderunt.
At once, he views
The dismal scenery waste and wild,
A dungeon horrible, on all sides round,
Flam'd ; and there the pale light
Served only to discover sights of woe.
Regions of Sorrow, doleful shades, where peace
Moon Of AmberUmbra,
We watch the Moon of Amber.
And again, the Garden mourns its silent dream.
Unguarded, some fragments of light linger in your sky.
Were we like sublunary lovers
Straying on the seas of your heart,
Sailing down the streams of your mind,
Soothing your marble face anew...
Sunwar The DeadSunwar, the dead walked into the sand
Watch! the winds are dawning.
March with the streams of awe.
Prince Phobos I tear your wings
Released from the poisons of your grieves,
I am a front,an army of joy,
The Luciferian RevolutionЦветами солнца, горящими в вечности,
Либо роковыми ядовитыми цветами вы можете быть
Необычные цвета, дурманящий запах
Присоединитесь к плачу проклятых ангелов
Я покину этот мир серого
Чтобы достичь вечного красного.
The Newborn SailorThe night shade
A dark colonnade
The cypress, then the shore...
I sought comfort in the foam
The wind heals the pain
A pale november rises
You know how the days gone by
The Poisonous EyeWe've waited so long
My starving eyes
Drunk to see
We've waited so long
Neither living nor dead
The Wake Of The AngelI am the eyes of the Basilisk.
As you enter the forest of my sleep,
Drawing aside the bushes of glimmering light,
You will remember the prayer of Orion.
Drifted in me, you are alone.
Under war-broken treesSkies visible
Under the seaside shadows
By the city, by the gates
Streets of sands/sadness strays
The war is over now
The pain is over now
Worn Out With DreamsDon't tear apart your name
It hides you, and it heals the pain
Don't tear out your love, you can't depart from me
You'll stay away from harm
Abide bt me, when indecision strikes
Down there with me