Podcast Episode 1Intro: Welcome to the English Tonight Podcast where you can learn English online in your own
time; even at 2:00 A.M. in your pajamas.
Janet: Hello, hello and welcome to the English Tonight Podcast. This is Episode 1 and my name
is Janet. I will be your host for this podcast. If you would like to read or print a transcript
of this podcast, please visit www.speakenglishtonight.com. Again, this is episode number
one. Thank you so much for listening; whether you found us through our website, English
Tonight, or through iTunes. I am glad you are taking time out of your busy schedule and
life to listen to this podcast.
Podcast Episode 2somewhere and often times it’s to work. So, an example sentence with
carpool would be “I carpooled with three of my co
workers, I am able to
save a lot of mon
ey on gas because we take turns driving.
Next, we will look at the word “traffic.” Traffic is when there are lot of
Podcast Episode 3Wolf down simply means to eat quickly or eat really fast. Sentence with
“wolf down” would be “My grandpa wolfed down all of
the pumpkin
I didn’t even get to try some.”
7. Munch.
Munch means to snack on
Podcast Episode 4Janet:
friends. Welcome to another episode of the
English Tonight
Podcast. My name is Janet and I am the host of this
. This is
Podcast Episode 5Intro: Welcome to the English Tonight Podcast where you can learn English
online in your own time, even at 2 a.m. in your pajamas.
Janet: Well, hello there. Welcome back to the English Tonight Podcast. My
name is Janet and I am the host of this show. This is episode #5. I am
delighted that you are here and listening today. To find a free written
transcript of this podcast, please go to www.speakenglishtonight.com.
Now let’s get this show a moving.
Today’s show is centered around the following question “Why is it so hard
Podcast Episode 6Intro: Welcome to the English Tonight Podcast where you can learn English
online in your own time, even at 2 a.m. in your pajamas.
Janet: Hello again. Welcome back to the English Tonight Podcast. My name is
Janet and I am the host of this show. This is episode #6. I am so happy
that you are here and listening today. To find a free written transcript of
this podcast, please go to www.speakenglishtonight.com and remember
this is episode #6. Now, let’s get this show started.
Today’s show is about making mistakes. So, first I am going to tell you a
Podcast Episode 7Intro: Welcome to the English Tonight Podcast where you can learn English
online in your own time, even at 2 a.m. in your pajamas.
Janet: Hello, hello, hello and welcome to another episode of the English Tonight
Podcast. My name is Janet and I am the host of this podcast. This is
episode #7. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day and life to
listen to this podcast. To find a free written transcript of this podcast,
please go to www.speakenglishtonight.com.
In this episode, I will be talking about my personal experiences of