3 Miles HighEvery cloud has a silver line
But you still need the moon to shine
And we don't care about it
Is there something that you forgot
And you wish you could stop the clock
Because you can't live without it
We don't have a clue
Boys On The HillRejects of this cruel, brief chaos
Lost souls come home
We've been waiting for you
One touch is too much
Set us off now we're rough
Slam with us
With the boys on the hill
Everything At OnceХитрой как лиса, сильной как вол.
Быстрой как заяц, смелой как медведь.
Свободной как птица, четкой как слово.
Тихой, как мышка, большой как дом.
Всё, чего я хочу – быть,
всё чего я хочу – быть, о,
Всё, чего я хочу – быть всем.
Medicate And BleedWe're towing the line like everything's fine
We know that it's not
You're looking at me like I should agree
You need me to stop
Thrown your hands up, say no more stop
Question, how much can you take, how much can you fake?
You're asking a lot