Eyes of Amphibians все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
9Hopeless addiction to the stuff which is end,
To the letters which were not received or sent,
To the fellas who were not try to be your friend
Who spent your feelings, who always pretend.
Chain of rotten people, damn, I still need them
Every shallow person who seemed to be gem
I dreamt to be a horny whore whom I condemn
Falling down I'm looking through windows in a hope of seeing u thereYour burning stare
freeze me like I've never felt before.
Touching your skin is the greatest pleasure.
Sometimes I might think, we're both not real.
I won't mind if it's true.
This night belongs to us.
As the cloud stretches along the sky,
watch our thoughts becoming our dreams.
Separate But EqualOur time is so near
Like never before.
Outcome is well-known,
The thing is do you or you don't.
Наступит день и ты увидишь в глазах
Яркий огонь.
Настанет час, когда уже не нужно
КрайПроходя тропами детства,
Я встретил старых врагов.
Глаза их были закрыты,
Но к удару я был готов.
Посыпались стены ограды -
Всем стало нечем дышать.
Наполнились лёгкие пылью.