Nikolaj Coster-Waldau - Red Nose DayCould you lend me a hand
Cos I've only got one
I miss my fingers
Like you miss your son
Are you thinking about Joffrey
Such a spirited lad
I was his uncle
I was also his dad
Game of ThronesThe Queen and the King and Joffrey Hound
The Queen and the King and Joffrey Hound
The Queen and the King and Joffrey Hound
X 6
Let my dreams come true
My 7 kingdoms
My mother rockets
Glad You Came - The Wanted ParodyLyrics:
(drogo and dany)
My sun and stars
The moon of my life
You know i'm yours
I have the hottest wife
You got in to a fight.
And i ripped out his throat.
I AM A FREE WOMANYou think we're savages because we don't live in stone castles
We can't make steel as good as yours, it's true, but we're free.
I'm a free woman!
You're not a free woman - you're my prisoner, prisoner
You don't need to live your whole life taking commands from old men
Be free
It's always summer, under the seaIt's always summer, under the sea
I know, I know, oh, oh, oh
The birds have scales, and fish take wing
I know, I know, oh, oh, oh
The rain is dry, and the snow falls up
I know, I know, oh, oh, oh
The stones crack open, the water burns
Ladder«Хаос — это не провал. Хаос — это лестница. Многие пытавшиеся взойти по ней оступались и уже не пытались вновь — падение ломало их. Другим давался шанс взойти наверх, но они продолжали цепляться за королевскую власть, богов или любовь. В жизни не существует ничего, кроме этой лестницы. И можно лишь пытаться подняться по ней».
Lannister SongСтал алый лев.
Был лев златой,
Но кровь все залила.
Костер зажжен ,
Крест возведен
И Болтон шкуру рвет.
И плакал лев,
Лежа стонал,
S1E01 - Winter is coming - Part 1- Easy, boy.
- What do you expect? They're savages. One lot steals a goat from another lot, before you know it they're ripping each other to pieces.
- I've never seen wildlings do a thing like this. I’ve never seen a thing like this, not ever in my life.
- How close did you get?
- Close as any man would.
- We should head back to the wall.
- Do the dead frighten you?
SAVE OUR SONSYou think we're savages because we don't live in stone castles
We can't make steel as good as yours, it's true, but we're free.
I'm a free woman!
You're not a free woman - you're my prisoner, my prisoner
You don't need to live your whole life taking commands from old men
Be free
The Bear and the Maiden FairA bear there was
a bear, a bear
All black and brown
and covered in hair
Three boys, a goat
and a dancing bear
The shadows come to playIt's always summer under the sea.
I know, I know, oh oh oh.
The birds have scales and the fish take wing.
I know, I know, oh oh oh.
The rain is dry and the snow falls up.
I know, I know, oh oh oh.
The stones crack open, the water burned
The shadows come to dance my lord
the shape of jon snowJon Snow
I could teach you how to do it
Jon Snow
I know how to do it
You can never touch a girl
And you think you're free?
It was my choice
Would you please shut up?
THE SON OF FIREYou are the son of fire
You are more than they can never be
You are the son of fire
[Your blood is noble]
You are more than they can never be
More than they can never be
Under the SeaIt's always summer
Under the sea
I know, I know
Oh, oh, oh
The birds have scales
And the fish take wing
I know, I know
Oh, oh, oh
Сиськи и драконыИгры и престолы, много серий и сезонов
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