caoin, caoin, gaotha mire
Вещий крик осеннего ветра в поле.
Завернувшись в складки одежды темной,
Стонет бурный вечер в тоске бездомной,
Стонет от боли.
Раздирая тьму, облака, туманы,
Простирая алые к Ночи руки,
life is a bitch is a whore like beforeDarkness is seeping through the walls of my room,
Shadows are creeping in the gathering gloom,
Sunset is fading, daylight is gone,
I’m all alone in my temple of bones,
Moon rises high and the stars come along,
My soul grows cold like a moldy tombstone,
I’ve been here too long and it feels all wrong,
I step to the window to see what’s goin’ on,
Trial by WaterShe lived in the town by the river,
Fair maiden just shy of sixteen,
So pretty was young Susan Weaver,
Her beauty made jealous the queen
An evil tongue slandered the maiden,
Corrupted priests took the queen’s side,
They proclaimed that poor Susan was tainted,
twice deceasedTwice deceased.
Living after the death of God.
We search for our shadow in the stream of illusions of the dreaming world.
We live in the world of total substitutions.
In the world of numbers and ghosts.
In the world where all words were erased and lost their meaning.
VV itches SSCSeven silent crows are sitting
On the branch of a dead tree,
As below the witch is screaming
At the stake in agony,
And the people are rejoicing,
They all laugh and clap their hands,
As they watch the devil’s servant
Turning into firebrands
Wreath Of WorshipВенец поклонения на твоем челе
Тиара огня
Волнами стекает к нежной груди
По изящным плечам
Венец поклонения соткан из тончайших цепей
Нити венца приковали меня к воле твоей
Два изумруда в короне огня
Сверкают кристаллами чистого льда