Anarchy in BedrockAnarchy In Bedrock :
Anarchy in Bedrock...twitch, twitch
(one, two, three, four)
Right now, hahaha...
I am an antichrist
I am an anarchist,
AnthemOh yeah.
Oh yeah, we're gonna try
and do it without blowing
the power this time, yeah.
So once again, I ask you
to raise your hands
because you got free pop
and chips today.
JumpKids jump when they're happy,
Adults jump when they're sad,
Kids jump up real high,
Adults jump a long way down,
Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump,
Kids jump up to summer sunlight,
Adults jump down to cold cement,
Kids jump to keep on moving,
Slave BoyIf you want to be a man, you better learn to obey!
I put these things on my boobs, I try to tell you what to do,
Get your boy-toy under control, free my soul, free my soul,
You gotta test the testes of love, so whip it out boy, and put on that glove,
Slave boy, why don't you listen to me?
Cause I got a ton of money.
I'll make you love me with my big strong hands,
The Bear SongThe bear went over the mountain to see what he could see. hey!
The other side of the mountain was all that he could see, so!
He went back over the mountain to see what he could see. hey!
The other side of the mountain was all that he could see!
You darn fool, you darn fool, can't you plainly see? hey!
It's nothing but a cabbage head his grandma said to me. ho!
Many a-miles I've traveled, a thousand miles or so, hey!
I never saw a head of cabbage with hair upon it before!
Three Little PigsЛягте, дети, на бочок...
и послушайте сказку про трех поросят
и про страшного серого волка.
Первый поросенок был типа хиппарь,
В город хотел прочь от фермерских харь.
И вот как-то раз купил он гитару,
Двинул в Голливуд, чтобы стать рок-старом.