Crazy Like An Ambushi ain't gonna leave until you show me why you hide
i ain't gonna come until you show me what's inside
there ain't no real reason to be treating me so bad
i'm crazy like an ambush and you just can't get with that
ever since the summer that you left me wanting more
i'm hiding in the garden out beside the kitchen door
don't mean to make you nervous i don't know another way
DecemberI see your face is reflected in the patches of ice on the crosswalk
sun in my eyes now i running to you now i'm going to fast now i'm flat on my back with my nose in the sky
spring time never seemed exactly the right time
i remember you held me like a mirror and then we would burn to a cinder
keeping us warm in december
memories lie like the tinsel on the carpet at midnight dozing with a head full of cheap wine while your family and friends flicker on overhead like the stars on the trees
see me i'm not suprised if you won't believe me
but i remember the way you looked in the candles glimmer praying to your saints for your sinners trying to keep warm in december
Gone GoneRun run screaming at the sun
couldn't a done better if i won it in the lottery
run run faster than a gun
gonna find my baby and i'm gonna have a family
run run till the running's done
gonna play guitar and make money off her pottery
fun fun underneath the sun
we're gonna have a baby and we're gonna raise it right
I Don't Leave Friends In Darkened Houses the silent sun
y el cielo donde cuelga
i can see it through the top of my collapsing head
i see your soul
another cloud a drifting
hide the mountain and the hungry ghost that
makes it his bed.
I'll Still Remembert was never the plan to just up and leave
You know I've tried to understand
Now it's out of my hands
And the months just creep
Now I'm just another man
And they're calling the names on the local station
Praying for the marching man
Trucks and TreesTrucks and trees
Blowing like the leaves
Winding like a river that’ll slow my mind
Breaking down the veil of sleeping eyes
I’m Hoping
Laying down a heavy beat and tryin to keep in time
Show me a man that’s got no mind
Темная ночьТемная ночь, только пули свистят по степи,
Только ветер гудит в проводах, тускло звезды мерцают.
В темную ночь ты, любимая, знаю, не спишь
И у детской кроватки тайком ты слезу утираешь.
Как я люблю глубину твоих ласковых глаз,
Как я хочу к ним прижаться губами!
Темная ночь разделяет, любимая, нас,