Belki Kurtulursun Bitti dediğim an bir ses duydum
Yaralarımı tuttum gücüm yok
Yalan geldi dünya bana
Gerçeğini aradım bulan yok
Çok bittim çok dirildim
Sonsuzluktum geriye geldim
Duyduğum sese kulak verdim
Elegance of IronyCome forth! Gleam in the east
Dusk of a new day
Appear and enlighten
Uncover every blemish
As rats chew on the cadaver of aeons
As monuments wither beyond recognition
Under the march of modern slavery
Geride Kalan YillarimÇok gördüğün feryatları geride kalan yıllarımı
Aldın hepsini benden gelemez geçmiş yeniden
Yüzleş artık korkmak yok aslına dokunmadan
Vahşetin en tepeden kıpkırmızı her beden.
Yüzleş artık korkmak yok ruhun dirilmeden
Kainatta sen ve ben şevkatim yitip giden
Doğrulara karar ver nedenler ve problem,
Maneviyat meskenine günahlarından arın gel
No One Seen But You Raise your dagger to the sky
Vow in front of invisible withnesses
Make bodies feel your hatred
Scream at unbelievers, never think
Tell the wrath of the dark
Look at the stars and moon that rise night
OuroborosIt lies and sleeps through centuries
unpierced by the spears of Helios
steady flow through the mountains veins
and potential of destruction slumbered in the iron
so mans hands forged weapons
and the daggers gashed aeons
for power and wealth to the highest bidder
Ruhumdan Taneler Savruldu Gel, gör, dinle neler olacak
Aydan geceye sabah doðacak
Güneþ parladý tüm þehrin üzerine
Ruhumdan taneler savruldu gökküreye
Dünya, evren ve tüm gezegende
Ulaþamazsýn çünkü tanrý katýnýn üstünde
The Beginning Of AnguishLift your head, look all around
You wake up in this unexpected place
The boundless darkness twning into red-hot flame
Ugly spirits rose to the sky
Every bitter drop that runs from your heart
All the chances you lost
You left behind, knell before me
The Last Time I Turned and Looked at YouA cold music is playing
In my mind always that deep melody
A depressive moment
His hands holding blood appear
Take your sins ayd leave
Mists will descend soon
Everything is a thin line
Your Song of Eternity Has Lost Its MeaningYour sorrow and love next to it
Your steps you believe invisible
Your life of contradiction
Your song of eternity has lost it's meaning
The time will come, you'll say just a moment
You won't reach what passes in front of you
Behind who looks at the day, in the back
ГолаяСовести нет у тебя
Но это так круто, когда перламутром
Закат смотрит на меня
И совсем голый ты, и совсем голая я
Наплевать на всё, танцевать
Со всех ног бежать, слышишь?
И росою на тебе лежать
ИнтровертЯ не ценю твоё общество.
Мне хорошо дома одной.
Лучший мой друг одиночество,
В нем моя сила и покой.
Я не хожу на тусовочки.
Я сериальчик лучше посмотрю.
Всем этим шумным компашечкам
ХОЧУ СРАТЬВсё хорошо было ,пока я тебя не встретил ,
Было бы лучше если бы я тебя не заметил
Не срал бы под дверью твоей, не пирдел бы в подъезде,
И я задумался уже о своем переезде
Но прежде чем уехать ,я напишу пару строчек,
Наврятли ты поймёшь мой сраный , безобразный почерк
Я постараюсь написать душевно с комплиментами,
С искренне веселыми моментами