A Gathering Of GhoulsWe came from your nightmares
And we're calling for your souls
Your endless death begins today
The Bloody Pit has final say
The Bloody Pit the bloody war
The only bloody way
The Bloody Pit of Horror
It feed on endless souls
Back in CrackThis journey without time
Always the beginning yet perpetual end
Found we'd never left
This time, a battle un-won
In the center of it again
This time, death is at our command
Returned to our former glory
The never-ending story i'm back!
Black And HugeYou know I'm totally flaccid
I'm just a limp mega-prick
You know I'm looking for
A stupid white chick.
All the women hate me
In the porno booth.
Damnation Under GodDamnation!
To tame the raging wanderlust
That surges in my thighs
I'll summon chaos legions
From the Krethek Nebuli
Watch the lard fields glisten
On the shores of Vulva-Core
See the sled of nebulon
Death PodDeath Pd cmes fm the sky - it des
Thugh the space, thugh the ste
Whee the Maste gws his cles
Whee the legis wage eteal wa
We wee i this place
Slaughteig ace afte ace
We wee pat f The Scumdgs f the Uivese
FallingFalling – Falling
Falling I'm falling I'm falling away
Falling I'm falling though I'd love to stay
Falling I'm falling and I feel just fine
But as I am falling you cannot be mine
Gor-GorGor-Gor... Gor-Gor comes and sirens wail
Mournful drone of babbling fail
Thunderous gnashing firestorm
Flames illuminate his form Gor-Gor comes and you must die
Swats F-16s from the sky
Admit you crave the gift he brings you
Fall worship tyrant king, you Gor-Gor!
Sow pestilent hate It shall obliterate
GWAR ThemeGazing through the toothy maw
You could not conceive what I saw
In my land there is no sun
In my country there are no guns, Ok!
Cause we are Gwar!!!
And we'll go far!!!
We've got guitars
We'll go to war!!! (Thrash your bar, Wreck your car)
I Love the PigsWe stand before the gates of Hell
Smeared with filthy bacon smell
Not all cops are pigs
Some of them are dicks
It is their duty to beat you...
KrosstikaWhat's that symbol above the oven
Beaming it's malice to all that we shove in
In the War Party we take every side
United as one until everyone dies
Symbol of hatred, symbol of fear
The Krosstika proclaims our cause
Luring the humans with blood, sex, and beer
Don't worry, we take queers
Let Us SlayDon't give them a sword and then not let them use it
Or sent them to war, and then make them lose it
This is a bomb, don't want to defuse it
Death is the answer, go forth and choose it
Let us slay
Let them slay, let them slay [x3]
The lust for blood won't go away
Lust In SpaceAgain, what grim vision this?
Bloodstained tomb, beer-cans, and piss...
This is no life...
For a god
Is this my fate?
Trapped for all time?
Is it too late?
The only thing worth living for...escape!
MaggotsVile forms of Necros lie rotting my mind
Feasting like maggots - maggots in flesh
So left your ruined cortex behind
Now the maggot knows glee as it nibbles on your spine!
Maggots! Maggots!
Maggots are falling like rain!
Putrid pus-pools vomit blubonic plague
Penguin AttackTHEY ATTACK
They are on a rampage
Unleashed from ancient time
Stumbling from the ice age
Marching side by side
Beaks of steel are flaming
Women are enraged
RagnarokTo die, perchance to sin, that's the rub
For in that sleep of sin, what, what kingdom may come?
What of the limitless sex and violence in the wake of RagNaRok
Welcome to the slaughter, what are going to do?
What will be your epitaph, when we get done with you?
Are you gonna cry for your momma, are you gonna have a good time?
Are you gonna be a bohab, when it's your turn to die?
It all gets pretty crazy, bedlam all around
Saddam A Go-GoI at the time was a communist
Lived on a collective farm
She was a part-time anarchist
Our sex went off like a bomb
Living the life of a terrorist
Looking for the man Saddam,
Who gave me a gun as Iran to the sun
If you die like a dog then you are
SexecutionerSexcuse me, but what-a good is all the violence in the world unless
It is toppled with limitless sex?
Bring out the limitless sex-object and allow me,
Sexecutioner to sexplain the seriousness of this subject,
Now if you all will attend to my words you will see....
I'm a naughty fellow
In fact I'm certainly not too very mellow I came to this place
Sick Of YouВаши носки они пахнут, ноги они воняют,
Вы никогда не принимаю ванну.
Ваш нос она работает, вы руинах булочки,
Вы всегда закончить последним.
Дурно! (Больных) о!
(Of) Youuuuu.
Я очень болен, так что не надоест.
SlaughteramaWith a battle cry go forth which is
"Give the people what they want."
And what the people want could only be the senseless slaughter
Of the gutter-slime that litters this nation for cash and prizes.
Yes, this is the show where people bet their lives to win something big.
'Cause when your life is shit, then you haven't got much to lose on
The Litany Of The SlainAnd we begin our litany
Of peopled killed by mostly me
Goatie the load, he's first in line
Antarctic Ant not far behind
Ripped an arm off Melvin Fleebish
Mutant cockroach not for squeamish
Uncle Knobby crushed by engine
Pretty Pookie anus-bending
The Morality SquadWe're the Morality Squad Armed with the wrath of God
My name is Granbo
And here's my holy hot-rod
Freedom to all the people Brave,
true and strong
Freedom to all the people
Unless I think your wrong!
The One That Will Not Be NamedCross-creviced chasms vast
And endless plains of unshaven ass
Out time in Hell draws to the last
We call upon the Master of the Pit
Have you got a toilet? I must take a shit!
Open your gates, Lord of Hate
Or your front porch is gonna get it!
Very well, I'll use my sword
The Song Of WordsIn the fortress of GWAR, much torment does remain
Despite all of the bodies that had been hacked in twain
So many had died in the viscous campaign
That their femurs alone made a fine mountain
The Master was no longer GWAR's sovereign
Of wealth and women they had none to gain
What goal was left for them to attain
The UberklawDebaser of ancient debacles
Shattered worlds, twisted fables
Dark soothsayer of worlds unclean
Black blood boils as I vent my spleen
My destiny
A worm-gnawed skull
Stares back at me
They Swallowed the SunThey burned the world
And swallowed the sun
They take from everything
And care for no one
They study our rage
So they rattle our cage
But when they were gone
That's the day we came of age
We Kill EverythingIn the hulking halls of hatred where the Master makes his throne
Within the "ass"-teroid belt where his body floats
alone his mind begins to wander the worm begins to turn all life
he must now squander the universe must burn
He plans eternal war, as the eternal way
But there is a force - which he must now obey
Time and the events within, chronicles of hate and sin
Everything, it has a start, but the end is always the best part
You Are My MeatYou are a woman
I am a man
You are my meat
Get in the pan
You are my meat
So die like the rest
As I consume your flesh
It's all for the best