Draco MalfoyYour blood may be pure but your heart is spoiled
You wouldn't be so tough without Crabbe and Goyle
Malfoy wouldn't be so cool if I wasn't around
I'm his enemy at school he really wants to get me down
Draco Malfoy what's your problem?
All your friends think you're rad
Cause you treat me so bad
Gryffindor RocksTake off on my broom
I'm gonna fly circles around you
And there's no way that you're gonna get that Snitch
No, you're not gonna get that Snitch from me
You're not gonna get that Snitch
You don't stand a chance against Gryffindor
We've got the best Quidditch team that the school has seen
Harry PotterHarry Potter Harry Potter Harry Potter
Harry Potter Harry Potter Harry Potter
Harry Potter Harry Potter Harry Potter
Harry Potter Harry Potter Harry Potter
i am a wizardI'm a lonely boy
I live beneath a staircase
My cousin is real fat
He makes my life a sad state
The Dursleys are my guardians
They are so mean and evil
If only I had some magic powers
surely i could make them tremble
In Which Draco Malfoy Cries Like a BabyDraco
You're crying again
Are you sad that your dad is in Azkaban?
Well you know that it goes
With working for the man
And if you didn't want that
Well you should have made other friends
Luna Lovegood is OKLuna Loony Lovegood
Luna Loony Lovegood
I'm glad that you're seeing the Thestrals like me
I'm glad that the kids think you're weirder than me
Oh Luna Loony Lovegood
You're OK in my book
The Dark Lord LamentWhy'd you have to go and kill my parents,
Lord Voldemort, I mean 'You-Know-Who'?
Why'd you have to leave that lightning scar,
Lord Voldemort, I mean 'You-Know-Who'?
Why must I be the famous Harry Potter?
Why can't I be just like everyone else?
Why did you take my parents from me?
wizard chessVerse 1
I don't want to go home for Christmas this year.
I don't want to see my family.
I just want to stay at school for this winter break.
I just want to stay at school with my best friend, Ron.
Oh, oh, ohohoh we'll spend our Christmas playing Wizard Chess