FaithfulCome close to me, I will be true
I wouldn't stand losing you
Only you can satisfy me
You know how to save me
Be faithful, show me loyalty
Be faithful, show me loyalty
Be faithful, show me loyalty
Be faithful
Foreign CountryYeah, just energies yeah?
That sister thing
That twin thing
It's like a foreign country
It's like a foreign country
Twins are spirits of a higher rank
GhostsWelcome to my earth
It's a crying shame
We have built a foolish world
Busy fighting, full of lying and denying
My ghosts are not gone
They dance in the shade
And gives the black core of my heart
Making words making sounds making songs
Los MuertosGuiro
Miguel Aurelio Diaz (ibae)
Angá Diaz (ibae)
Yanira Diaz (ibae)
Mama SaysThe man is gone
And mama says
She can't live without him
The man is gone
And mama says
There is no life without him
She has no one to stop her tears
A man who heals and calms down her fears
I ache for home
You talk to me
I feel you walking by my side
Take my hand
I'll save myself
OyaEven if I feel the sun on my skin everyday
If I don't feel you
Even if I see the most beautiful things up in the sky
If I don't see you
Take me Oya
Take me Oya
Recurring DreamHere
Can't get out of here
This recurring dream is haunting me
This river is haunting me
Can't get out of here
Can't get out of here
It's always the same here
Rise Up Wise Up Eyes UpI imagine death so much it feels like a memory, like a memory
I wrote some notes and melodies, this is my legacy
Sing it out for me
Rise up
We will wise up
And keep our eyes up, remembering
Rise up, open your eyes and you'll
Wise up, open your eyes and you'll
RiverCome to your river
I will come to your river
I will come to your river
Come to your river
(Wash my soul)
I will come to your river
(Wash my soul)
I will come to your river
SangomaMatter and spirit
Our prophet
The open sea is calling me
Strange island
The mountain
Moon in retrograde
Sister 2 SisterOur love is underwater
I've cried all over you
Slow down, now we've grown
Let's start new
Our love lost in the forest
Burning inside of you
Slow down, now we've grown
Let's start new
Tears Are Our MedicineI see you're frustrated when I cry
I'm finding out how sacred as time goes by
Process, purify
I am lighter, much lighter
Look at my eyes and cry with me
Like you used to do, I asked Miss P
Let it all out, it's meant to be
Think of You[Hook]
Moyuba Echumingua y los ibeyis
Moyuba Oshun Shango and Yemaya
We hear laughter and we think of you
We walk on rhythm and we think of you
Feeling our union and we think of you
WeathermanAh ya
Ah ya ya ya
Weatherman, when the thunder bursts I turn to you
Weatherman, when the thunder bursts I turn to you
Nature's aware
After winter there'll be spring, he says
Oh the flow
Trust your senses