Abundant LivingI will outnumber
I will outdrink
And crash through borders
Abundant living
[Chorus x2]
In the gaslights fire
I felt the power
Cimmerian ShadeIt was light seen through structure
Landscapes seen through a prison cell
Staring into the warm summer night
Trying to focus my eyes
I want to hear the silence in my drunken comfort
But voices they echo on and on and on
In the cimmerian shade
Let everything be washed in white
Dear Saint CeciliaBusybodies building
A Europe of the mind
Bust and banish, fleeting eyes
Behind Venetian blinds
People care for safety
Invoked in evening prayers
Huddled up in mobs
EcstasyNow there just passed on another day
Where I really wanted to get away
From the problems that I built up
Can only see one way to make it stop
Unable - I'm too bound
I wanna get away from what I found
Each day another rock upon my head
Each night I lie awake in bed
Forever[Verse 1]
I always had the sense that I was split in two
It seems so complicated
To shift between existence
To long for the better one
[Verse 2]
Lurking in his footsteps
How ManyHow many more days of this stillness
Before the fire will blow out
A restless wind did use to stir it
But its wind-still and the silence is loud
How many more days of disorder
Of drunkenly raving around
I’ve been sleeping down here among minions
Their carelessness scattered about
In Haze[Verse 1]
Come aid your wounded limbs
I know that you're hurt
Don't hide your bleeding hands
You know it is overt
One barrier holds you back
Is that not the truth
Acknowledge and move on
Let It VanishWhat’s gone is best forgotten
The past flown miss
Is purposely spared from my raining bullets
To keep away from consequence
I gave you life
Comprehend that I gave you life
To see it disarray
It disarrays
On My FingersThey try to feed me in times of hunger
But I refuse their generous hands
Though I am a taker, an opportunist
I’ve got longings no offer can stand
Take a good look here
Marvel at this stunner of a being so profound
He must be our saviour
The second coming
Shelter SongMy sign is waiting
Rise up until the curve bends over down
They'll entertain you
Alleviate the now into its ground
We crash and then burn
Water's rising, hypnotizing slowly as we flow
Gravitate to unlearn
Every meaning soon upheaving
White RuneMarching
Across the land
A marching church
Our marching church
It reaches you
Withdraws you