01 - In Sacred FlamesConvocare, Caelestis
Bestia, Excidium
Hominum Mortalis
Dies Natalis, Nefarius, Detestari
Dies Natalis, Odisse, Mortalis
Dies Natalis, Odisse, Mortalis, Dies
04 - The RevealingThe Revealing comes, now that he's thirteen
Told of his coming trials, what is meant to be
Told the arts of the ancients for the mother's sake
Time manipulation, and of shifting shape
He is held on high, minions flock to him
Told of the birth in fires, this boy messiah
05 - A Gift Or A CurseI feel a heavy burden
A million souls upon me weigh
Though I've felt uncertain
The more revealed, I've found my way
Am I a gift, am I a curse?
I'm one and all of God and Earth
And as the order guides me
06 - Crown Of The FallenMany lifetimes have come and gone
In elation of this day
By the Order's hand
The minions forged his way
At age thirteen
Dawn the Days of Revealing
The human forms will rue the day
We crown the Astral Beast
09 - Harbinger Of FateWhen I was young I was different
There was more inside of me
So alone, yet a sense of purpose
The guiding light of the order nurtured me
Daunted by the truth revealed
What am I? What's my destiny?
A million souls, the priest incarnate
I am the one, I am the Astral Beast
10 - Crucify The KingLook at you now
Exalted no more
Scourging's left your blood
Soaked into the floor
For having the sight
You will pay a heavy price
Martyr for mankind
Contrived sacrifice
14 - Come What MayAs I watch through the ages
And gaze upon this world
The troubled race of man
So impetuous and afraid
There's potential in this race
A man can spark hope
But in masse they do regress
A constant downward slope