At The Churches' EndRaise your flag-wear your cross,
Stand silent of the cost.
Our spoiled rotten nation has taken for granted our blessings,
Putting more faith in an inconclusive science,
Than our maker, our first love.
The church age in America is coming to its end, vanished,
Beyond the GraveWe are heaven's unexpected
We are the forgotten faces
We are heaven's unexpected
We are the forgotten faces
We are heaven's unexpected
We are the forgotten faces
We are heaven's unexpected
We are the forgotten faces
DeceiverThis is the last time you'll see my face
And the last you hear my voice
You words are weak and pathetic
And when you speak i can see you're desperate
For the attention you won't get
The filth you speak
Comes straight from hell
For All Have SinnedViolators be damned for your desecration proud,
Blasphemers your wickedness will not go unpunished,
For he crushes his oppressors and embraces his righteous!
Those who call upon his name for strength shall be blessed.
Standing by my faith is where I belong;
Facing trials and oppression makes me strong.
But I am a good person, oh no we're not!
Evil men walk in heaven through repentance,
HellholeBroken beyond belief
How could I forgive a man so sick
Broken beyond belief
How could God forgive a man so sick
I long for the light
But the scars cut so deep
Desires for Vengeance
In Reverence OfLoving God how could you take the only thing I felt love from?
Where was your love?
Where was your comfort that I spoke of?
In this world ran by the enemy,
Which lead me the think you to be the first to damn my lack of faith
And trust left me in a hole of unbelief.
Forgive me.
She will remain in our hearts forever.
More Than ConquerorsIf you wanna find heaven with me, I will show you the way.
Eternal youth, forever young, immortalize your name.
My foolish heart, put nails through me.
On his day I will be ready.
We are the children of the age, out of control, out of place,
we will demolish this religion that you have made.
MurdererA coming fight is on the horizon.
Violent love we can not hide from.
A broken man watches vainly
To a world that can never save us.
He prays for the first time
He cries out for a change and justice.
Soon a great light will see
The people of the darkness
My Own MakerAnother day of sin
Hope is dead and nothing is left within
Driven by hate
To another empty place
Where we just work and procreate
Worn to the bone we die and get replaced
Nailed. Dead. Risen.Nailed dead and risen, a perfect life divine sacrifice. A despised savior-despise only me. Silenced by the mislead who mock the God they never met. The evil of men's minds knows no limits, who chooses hell over forgiveness. You try and try to obliterate my fathers name, it sickens me! I stay silenced no more. A despised savior-despise only me. You try and try to obliterate my fathers name, it sickens me! I stay silences no more. Send me to the depths of hell, and ill bring back risen souls. Despise our savior-just remember, nailed, dead, and risen.
OrphansLife is granted by an unforseen force
We are but molecules in motion and nothing more?
Survival of the fittest is a dark tale
Sending my generation to the depths of hell
Silence The OppressorsChristian modern brutal death/deathcore с Facedown Records.
To the following Christians listen closely.
We bring our light to a new realm, a realm you dare not enter,
passing judgment behind stone walls, behind your absence of understanding.
We will crush your walls that dictate where our ministry goes,
Storming The Gates Of HellHere we are, storming the gates of hell.
Our whispers will silence your roars and our roars will wreck your lives.
So here we come, we were withered and drowned out, but raised up in son soaked brilliance.
Raised up!
This is our sound cutting through the noise.
Come forth, arise, overcome.
Choir of disciples.
Here we are.
The Great DivineMan, crippled and broken
Crawling to an illusion
Beautifully crafted by Satan
An existence with no salvation
The Great Divine
Why is the world plagued with death
Bringer of light
The devil is alive, cause I can feel him breathing
Over the horizon comes hell and my arms wide open
As I embrace the apocalypse
This is what you came to know as fear
He’s here… This is The Great Fear!
There Will Be ViolenceThis is violence in its purest form, what it is truly made for, love and hatred flow through my throat, with this microphone in my hand.
We are the voice for the voiceless among unholy kingdoms drunk with blasphemy.
We are continents wide and oceans deep, the blood of the saints is splashed across the ruins like a holy holocaust.
We will return and you will hear an uproar of lost souls.
There will be violence!
Perverse works are in vain, though the light may now seem dim, the whole world chases after Him, this is a movement abandoning hate and preaching war.
We are the voice for the voiceless among unholy kingdoms drunk with blasphemy.
We are continents wide and oceans deep, the blood of the saints is splashed across the ruins like a holy holocaust.
Welcome To ForeverWelcome to forever, on this wrinkled piece of paper. Welcome to forever. I write a letter to you, to this generation and the generations to come. Vanity of vanities, everything under the sun, everything under the sun, everything will be forgotten. All that you remember, wrapped around this world. Grasping for the wind, where both the wise and fools both achieve emptiness in the end. Emptiness in the end. Where does the time go? Who are we when we are alone? When we're all alone.
Welcome to forever, everything will be forgotten, all that you remember. Wrapped up in this world, grasping for the wind where both the wise and fools both achieve emptiness in the end. Welcome to forever, on this wrinkled piece of paper. Welcome to forever. I write a letter to you, look back and retrace your steps. Don't look at the clouds and ignore the one who's coming through them.