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  • Текст песни Jackie Chan And Kim Hee Sun - Endless Love

    Исполнитель: Jackie Chan And Kim Hee Sun
    Название песни: Endless Love
    Дата добавления: 07.01.2015 | 10:19:31
    Просмотров: 110
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    На этой странице находится текст песни Jackie Chan And Kim Hee Sun - Endless Love, а также перевод песни и видео или клип.
    Release me from this mysterious waiting
    the stars are falling; the wind is blowing.
    Finally I can hold you in my arms.
    Two hearts beating together.
    Believe me that my heart has never-change
    waiting a thousand year, You have my promise
    No matter how many cold winter have passed
    I will never let you go.

    Now hold my hands, and close your eyes
    Please think about the days when we were in love.
    We loved each other too much, it caused us such pain
    We can’t even say “I love you”

    Every night my heart aches.
    I never stop thinking of you.
    I am used to being alone for such a long time
    And I face it with a smile.
    Believe me, I choose to wait.
    Even though it’s painful, I won’t leave.
    Only your tenderness can save me
    From the endless cold.

    Let the love in our hearts
    Become a blossoming flower
    We can pass through time, never bowing our heads,
    And never giving up our dream.

    We loved each other too much, it caused us such pain
    We can’t even say the words “I love you”

    Let the love in our hearts
    Become a blossoming flower

    We never forget our promise

    Only true love follows us
    as we travel through the endless space and time.

    We can’t even say the words “I love you.”

    Love is the only myth that exist in the hearts that never

    Освободи меня от этого таинственного ожидания…
    Падают звёзды и дует ветер.
    Наконец-то я могу обнять тебя
    И наши сердца теперь бьются в такт.
    Поверь, моё чувство не изменилось
    За тысячи лет ожидания. Я обещаю тебе, –
    Неважно сколько впереди ещё ждёт испытаний –
    Я никогда больше не отпущу тебя.

    Крепко возьми меня за руки и закрой глаза.
    Пожалуйста, вспомни прошлое – те дни, когда мы так сильно любили друг друга.
    Наша любовь была слишком сильна и печальна,
    И мы даже не можем сказать друг другу "я люблю тебя".

    Моё сердце болит по ночам.
    Я непрерывно думаю о тебе.
    Я был один всё это долгое время,
    Но смотрел на своё одиночество с улыбкой.
    Верь мне, я жду тебя.
    И, хотя это причиняет мне боль, я не уйду от тебя.
    Только твоя нежность может спасти меня от вечного холода,
    И я никогда не позволю тебе уйти.

    Пусть в наших сердцах цветёт любовь.
    Вместе мы пройдём через вечность.
    Мы никогда не нарушим наших обещаний спасти друг друга от вечного холода.
    Я никогда не позволю тебе уйти.

    Наша любовь была слишком сильна и печальна,
    И мы даже не можем сказать друг другу "я люблю тебя".

    Пусть любовь в наших сердцах
    Станет цветком, который будет цвести вечно
    Мы никогда не нарушим те обещания, которые дали друг другу.
    Наша любовь истинна, и мы пронесём её через вечность.

    Мы даже не можем сказать друг другу "люблю тебя".

    Наша любовь - единственный миф, который никогда не изменится
    Release me from this mysterious waiting
    the stars are falling; the wind is blowing.
    Finally I can hold you in my arms.
    Two hearts beating together.
    Believe me that my heart has never-change
    waiting a thousand year, You have my promise
    No matter how many cold winter have passed
    I will never let you go.

    Now hold my hands, and close your eyes
    Please think about the days when we were in love.
    We loved each other too much, it caused us such pain
    We can not even say "I love you"

    Every night my heart aches.
    I never stop thinking of you.
    I am used to being alone for such a long time
    And I face it with a smile.
    Believe me, I choose to wait.
    Even though it's painful, I will not leave.
    Only your tenderness can save me
    From the endless cold.

    Let the love in our hearts
    Become a blossoming flower
    We can pass through time, never bowing our heads,
    And never giving up our dream.

    We loved each other too much, it caused us such pain
    We can not even say the words "I love you"

    Let the love in our hearts
    Become a blossoming flower

    We never forget our promise

    Only true love follows us
    as we travel through the endless space and time.

    We can not even say the words "I love you."

    Love is the only myth that exist in the hearts that never

    Free me from this mysterious waiting ...
    Falling stars and the wind blows.
    Finally, I can hug you
    And now our hearts beat to the beat.
    Believe me, my feeling has not changed
    For thousands of years of waiting . I promise you, -
    No matter how much there is still waiting for test -
    I'll never let you go.

    Hard to take me by the hand and close your eyes .
    Please recall the past - the days when we are so fond of each other .
    Our love was too strong and sad,
    And we can not even say to each other & quot; I love you & quot ;.

    My heart aches at night.
    I constantly think about you .
    I was alone all this for a long time ,
    But looking at his loneliness with a smile.
    Believe me , I 'm waiting for you .
    And though it hurts me , I will not leave you.
    Only your tenderness can save me from eternal cold ,
    And I'll never let you go .

    together :
    Let our hearts in love blooms .
    Together we will walk through eternity .
    We never violate our promises to save each other from the eternal cold .
    I'll never let you go.

    Our love was too strong and sad,
    And we can not even say to each other & quot; I love you & quot ;.

    together :
    Let the love in our hearts
    Will be the flower that will bloom forever
    We never violate the promises given to each other.
    Our love is true, and we swept it through eternity.

    We can not even say to each other & quot; I love you & quot ;.

    Our love - only a myth that will never change


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