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  • Текст песни Jambazi - Минимум

    Исполнитель: Jambazi
    Название песни: Минимум
    Дата добавления: 26.10.2018 | 09:15:40
    Просмотров: 43
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    На этой странице находится текст песни Jambazi - Минимум, а также перевод песни и видео или клип.
    Выниму минимум мэн, вымани манн; вымани минимум манн,
    Мэнам феноменам, фэнабанам, стена бо фона мэнам.
    С попалам имени видимо минимум даже самому сильному -
    В ум не надо "му-му" сказали кому, не надо по минимуму.


    Файк, мне на минимум! Пополам не на минимум! Фейка на минимум!
    Нам не на минимум! Крышу рвет не на минимум! бас да на минимум!
    Вы меня видели! Выдели! Вы меня вынудили! Да мы выдали вам,
    Бит не на минимум; бас, да на минимум! Нам не надо по минимумам!

    Мимо не надо, мадам! До дома не дам! Прям с *андонами дам.
    Тема заметана, вот, и путана запутана - вот она нам.
    Шоу подавай! Выдавай! Выдавай бит, подавай вид - меня добивай,
    Пока не убит - пытай! Своди с ума! Снимай! Снимай! До минимума!

    Пены нема в бакале! Хули меня донимали, не нанимали.
    Мне наминали, мне наливали, мне не вина ли её в номинале,
    Гнали бы дали мы толе мутили бы доле, только съ*бали туда,
    Где доли на минимум, цены на минимум. Да нам и не надо до минимума!

    Minimum of high and minimum of weed,
    Minimum of feelings is all I can see.
    Minimum of girls trip and minimum of fight
    Jambazi's living on the minimum of life, come on!

    Minimum of high and minimum of weed,
    Minimum of feelings is all I can see.
    Minimum of girls trip and minimum of fight
    Jambazi's living on the minimum of life, come on!

    Aya see me now calling'ah bowling'ah hustle and rolling'ah
    Stoling'ah, falling'ah pulling'ah, I'm loose controll and
    Never see me down,worry up and look around,
    My original sound, number one on the ragga ground.

    On ragga stage I'm turning up the page,
    You'll never see me fall cose it's my only rage, hey
    We are the kings on the 1-st place sitting
    And the all that we've got is the all that we bring.

    Говорят алко - не минимум; говорят: нарко не на минимум.
    Говорят, что-то не на минимум, сё не на минимум, "чё" не на минимум -
    А я - долблю не на минимум, ещё: я пью не на минимум.
    Не вру, ору, дурю, курю, порву молву не на минимум!

    Ваше не на минимум, опять этот минимум, нет только не минимум!
    Движусь наверх не на минимум, шагам (табадам) не на минимум!
    Движусь наверх не на минимум, танцуй-танцуй не на минимум!
    Каждый день не на минимум, (сломано тоже катоже) минимум-минимум.

    Ни вам, ни нам - не на минимум! Здесь пополам не на минимум!
    Я звук вам дам не на минимум! Сядь на диван не на минимум.
    Прими-ка грамм не на минимум, и ватный кранк не на минимум!
    Дури, кури не на минимум! Зачем он нам не на минимум?

    Воткни не на минимум, прими не на минимум, мысли на минимум!
    Здесь бас не на минимум, пара план, папалан, барабан не на минимум.
    I will be up, we all be up, they will be up!
    I will be up, we all be up, they will be up!

    Говорят: алко не на минимум, говорят: нарко не на минимум.
    Говорят, что то не на минимум, сё не на минимум, "чё" не на минимум.
    А я долблю не на минимум, ещё я пью не на минимум
    Не вру, ору, дурю, курю, порву молву не на минимум!
    Take out a minimum of man, mann out; Take out at least mann
    Manam phenomena, fanabans, wall bo background manam.
    With the name, even the most powerful one is visible -
    In the mind do not need "mu-mu" they said to whom, do not at least.


    Fike, to my minimum! In half, not a minimum! Fake to a minimum!
    We are not a minimum! The roof is not tearing at least! bass and at least!
    Did you see me! Highlight! You forced me! Yes we gave you
    Bit is not a minimum; bass, but at least! We do not need a minimum!

    Don’t go by, madam! I won’t give you home! Straight with the * Andon ladies.
    The theme is swept up, and confusion is confused - here it is for us.
    Give the show! Give out! Give a beat, give a look - finish me
    Until killed - torture! Get crazy! Take off! Take off! To a minimum!

    The foam is dumb in the grocery! The bullies were pestering me, not hiring me.
    They paid me money, they poured it to me, is it not my fault in the face value,
    They would drive if we gave roofing materials, they would mutilate the lobes, only they would * go there,
    Where the shares are at a minimum, prices are at a minimum. Yes, we do not need to a minimum!

    Minimum of high and minimum of weed,
    Minimum of feelings is all I can see.
    Minimum of girls trip and minimum of fight
    Jambazi's living on the minimum of life, come on!

    Minimum of high and minimum of weed,
    Minimum of feelings is all I can see.
    Minimum of girls trip and minimum of fight
    Jambazi's living on the minimum of life, come on!

    Aya see me now calling'ah bowling'ah hustle and rolling'ah
    Stoling'ah, falling'ah pulling'ah, I'm loose controll and
    Never see me down, worry up and look around,
    My original sound, number one on the ragga ground.

    On ragga stage I'm turning up the page,
    You'll never see me fall cose it's my only rage, hey
    We are the kings on the 1-st place sitting
    And the all that we've got is the all that we bring.

    They say alcohol is not a minimum; They say: drug is not at least.
    They say that something is not at a minimum, this is not at a minimum, "Che" is not at a minimum -
    And I - I’m not hammering at a minimum, yet: I do not drink at a minimum.
    I’m not lying, yelling, stupid, smoking, tearing rumors not at least!

    Yours is not a minimum, again this minimum, there is only no minimum!
    I’m moving upward not to a minimum, steps (tabads) not to a minimum!
    I’m not moving upstairs, dance, dance not at least!
    Every day is not a minimum, (also a broken shaft) minimum-minimum.

    Neither you nor us - not the minimum! Here in half is not a minimum!
    I will not give you a sound for a minimum! Sit on the couch is not a minimum.
    Take a gram at a minimum, and a cotton ball at a minimum!
    Dope, don't smoke at least! Why is he not at least for us?

    Stick not at minimum, accept not at minimum, thoughts at minimum!
    Here the bass is not at a minimum, a pair of plan, papalan, the drum is not at a minimum.
    I will be up, we all be up, they will be up!
    I will be up, we all be up, they will be up!

    They say: alcohol is not at a minimum, they say: drug is not at a minimum.
    They say that it’s not at a minimum, Sho is not at a minimum, “Che” is not at a minimum.
    And I’m not hammering at least, I’m not drinking at least
    I’m not lying, yelling, stupid, smoking, tearing rumors not at least!


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