A Trick Of The LightBen-hur is raiding the honesty bar
Cleopatra is taking a shower
Dinosaurs devour room service
Whilst astronauts explore the moon's surface
Isn't it funny it's only a trick of the light
A trick of the light
Remember, sat in the dark
AlineJ'avais dessiné
Sur le sable
Son doux visage
Qui me souriait
Puis il a plu
Sur cette plage
Et dans cet orage
Elle a disparu
ApparentlyWell, I try my best
to keep my feelings hid
And I'm getting good
'cos I've been practising
ever since I was a kid
I'll hold your hand
but at arms length, you'll see
Autumn JournalLouis MacNeice, 1938
Close and slow, summer is ending in Hampshire,
Ebbing away down ramps of shaven lawn where close-clipped yew
Insulates the lives of retired generals and admirals
And the spyglasses hung in the hall and the prayerbooks ready in the pew
And August going out to the tin trumpets of nasturtiums
And the sunflowers' Salvation Army blare of brass
Big StuffSooner or later the big stuff comes around
Well, my serotonin levels, they were running low that day
And my self-medication, well, it was getting in the way
Oh, I tried to make excuses, yeah, I tried to get away
But one day you're gonna have to pay
Because sooner or later the big stuff comes around
Black MagicI woke up in the morning
And all the bells were ringing
My eyes could see the glory, baby
Could hear the song they're singing
You only get to see the light
Just one time in your life oh, black magic
ContactUne météorite m'a percé le cœur
Vous, sur la terre, vous avez des docteurs
Au contact
Au contact
Il me faut une transfusion de mercure
J'en ai tant perdu par cette blessure
Au contact
Don't Let Him Waste Your TimeWell, you can stay all night if you want to
You can hang out with all of his friends
You can go and meet his mother and father
Hmm, you better make sure that's where it ends
'Cause baby, there's one thing that you gotta know:
Let him read your palm and guess your sign
Let him take you home and treat you fine
Elle Et MoiUn coin de rue, une enfant
Elle, très belle, très blonde
Quelque part dans la ville
Elle et moi
Un jardin tranquille
Un regard, une étreinte, un frisson
Des yeux qui se lèvent
Une larme qui coule
Fat ChildrenLast night I had a little altercation
They wobbled menacingly
Beneath the yellow street light it became a situation
Well, they wanted my brand-new phone with all the pictures of the kids and the wife
A struggle ensued and then fat children took my life
Fat children took my life
Fat children took my life
Further ComplicationsIn the beginning there was nothing
To be honest, that suited me just fine
I was three weeks late coming out of the womb
In no great rush to join the rest of mankind
Where there were
Further complications
Further complications in store, yeah
Heavy WeatherThis morning it was summer
By noon a cold front building
Where did you go?
Where did you go?
I got to find some shelter
'Cos any minute now
it's gonna blow
I Never Said I Was DeepI love your body 'cause I've lost my mind
If you want someone to talk to, you're wasting your time
If you want someone to share your life, you need someone who's alive
And if every relationship is a two-way street, I have been screwing in the back whilst you drive
I never said I was deep, but I am profoundly shallow
My lack of knowledge is vast, and my horizons are narrow
I never said I was big, I never said that I was clever
I Will Kill AgainBuild yourself a castle
Keep your family safe from harm
Get into classical music
Raise rabbits on a farm
Log on in the night time
Drink a half-bottle of wine
Buy a couple of records
Il Pleut Sur La GareLes roses sont noires
Les palmiers sont bleus
Il pleut sur la gare, je veux être heureux
Les soleils bancals
Coincés dans les portes
Sont tellement pâles que le vent m'emporte
Le docteur est fou
La misère a tort
Les Gens Sont Fous, Les Temps Sont FlousLes gens prennent tout, les temps sans sous
Ça les prend, comme ça d'un coup
Ils ont besoin d'un petit chouchou
D'un ermite ou, d'un grand bijou
D'un truc en plastique, en caoutchouc
Une petite chose, pour faire joujou
Et qui flambe vite comme amadou
Les gens sont fous, les temps sont flous
Mao MaoLe Vietnam brûle et moi je hurle "Mao, Mao"
Johnson rigole et moi je vole "Mao, Mao"
Le napalm coule et moi je roule "Mao, Mao"
Les villes crèvent et moi je rêve "Mao, Mao"
Les putains crient et moi je ris "Mao, Mao"
Le riz est fou et moi je joue "Mao, Mao"
C'est le petit livre rouge
Qui fait que tout enfin bouge
Quantum TheoryLast night I slipped through time to a parallel dimension
You were alive and happy
Our children played in trees
were strong and wise
and knew no fear
We watched them play together
ToniteIt all starts tonight
Tonight's the night I guess
So let's go take some drugs
And let's go have some sex
The first time it's alright
The future starts tonight
And you cannot make everything alright